Posts Tagged ‘Graham Linehan’

Laurence Fox Arrested and His Home Raided

October 4, 2023

I don’t know if you peeps have come across this yet, but former GB News presenter and head honcho of Reclaim, Laurence Fox, had his home raided by the rozzers this afternoon and was himself arrested for conspiracy. I gather that some people out there have connected this to his tasteless comments about not wanting to engaging in carnal conjunction with feminist journo Ava Evans. That’s what I first thought, but apparently it’s not the case. Lozza has had the banhammer of the law come down because he was daft enough to post on Rumble that not only did he support the vandals attacking Sadiq Khan’s ULEZ cameras, but was near to them and planning to join the attacks with an angle grinder. This would, I assume, be conspiracy to commit criminal damage.

Our favourite internet non-historian has posted a piece about this suggesting that it’s just childish behaviour on Lozza’s part and that he may have been deliberately trying to get himself arrested, just as he was when he interviewed by the cops for setting fire to a Black Lives Matter flag in his backyard and putting the footage of himself doing so on the internet. He considered his behaviour in all this that of a teenager rather than a middle-aged man.

This makes me wonder if it isn’t some kind of publicity stunt to keep himself in the public eye now that his job with GB News appears to be finished. If it is, it seems to be a pathetic one, given some of the other issues he’s railed about. I would have thought trying to make a statement against the teaching of the trans ideology and its basis in the postmodernist nonsense of Queer Theory would have been more impressive and worthwhile in his point of view, but as Graham Linehan has been attacking it at the Tory party conference, perhaps vandalising the ULEZ cameras is all that he’s got left.

Short Video of Spokesman from Gays against Groomers Testifying against Gender Ideology in Schools

December 17, 2022

This comes from the conservative American YouTube channel The Quartering. I’m putting it up, however, as it raises a good point that should extend well beyond the political boundaries of left and right. Much of the opposition to the gender ideology comes from the feminist, socialist left, while many conservatives in both America and Britain support the ideology.

The video shows a spokesman from the activist group, Gays Against Groomers, attacking an American school board for allowing the teaching of the gender ideology in their schools. He states that no child is born in wrong body and accuses them of teaching children to question their gender identity, an approach that leaves them vulnerable to child predators and grooming. He states that his group, Gays Against Groomers, has struggled to educate the public about these issues, and is opposed to the sexualisation and medicalisation of children.

These are all absolutely valid issues, and some of the ideologues behind the gender ideology were indeed in favour of breaking down boundaries between adult and child and legalising paedophilia. Graham Linehan and his interlocutors, as well as gay critics of the gender nonsense, have stated that in the UK the gay rights campaign really took off in the 1980s when the gay liberation movements cleared out the paedophiles. EDIJester, another gender critical gay man, has said in one of his recent videos that gay people do not wish to have the reverse prejudice, that just because they are gay they aren’t a danger to children and the vulnerable. They want to be treated exactly the same way regarding safeguarding issues as straight people. This is one of the many issues involved in the debate over trans rights. A woman was expelled from the Girl Guides because she raised just this issue about trans identified boy coming on camps with the girls. Men and boys are usually banned, unless for exceptional reasons. But it was assumed because the boy identified as female he was no longer a potential threat. But this isn’t necessarily case. Trans identified boys have raped girls in American schools, the most notorious incident being the recent controversy in Loudoun County. The woman was accused of transphobia and expelled.

This doesn’t mean that all transwomen are predators, but it does mean that they still need to subjected to proper safeguarding.

A Gender-Critical Trans Organisation – Trans Against Groomers

December 10, 2022

Many of the gender-critical activists state very clearly that while they’re against the trans ideology, they are not against trans people, and that many of them actually support what they do. Graham Linehan has stated that he has met more trans people campaigning against the transgender craze than before. Barry the EDIjester is a gay YouTuber, who’s stated several times that he was partying and dancing the night away with transvestites and drag queens long before the radical trans movement emerged. I believe Mr Menno, another gay gender critical activist, has said the same.

The gender-critical trans folk also have their own organisation, Trans Against Groomers, which is against the medicalisation and transitioning of children. Clive Simpson and Dennis Kavanagh, who are also gender critical gay men, describe them as ‘the old-fashioned sort of trans people you used to see in gay clubs.’ The group is on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Their Facebook has this mission statement:

There is a related, sister organisation, Gays Against Groomers. I think both have been predictably smeared as hate groups while all they are opposing is an ideology and radical activist which does prey on minors and which to many gay activists reminds them very strongly of the way Paedophile Information Exchange attempted to parasitize the gay movement in its drive for legitimacy.

For more information, go to their webpage, which is at:

Graham Linehan Talks to Nurse Elaine Miller about Gynecological Problems Caused by Gender Transition

October 31, 2022

I realise that very many of my readers don’t agree with my gender critical views. However, I felt I had to put this video up because I don’t believe there is enough awareness of the issues it addresses. Elaine Miller is a nurse specialising in gynaecological problems, and here she talks about the severe problems that can arise from gender transition surgery on trans-identified women. One of the criticisms of the current trans movement is that the affirmative-only care being lobbied for by trans activists plays down the severe side effects that the surgery may cause. To its critics, this model of care stresses only the positive benefits, telling patients that such surgery will allow them to lead their authentic lives and that everything will be fine and dandy for them. In some cases this is true. In many others, it isn’t. Miller states that from the available evidence, which is deeply flawed and biased towards surgical conversion, it appears that the operations have a thirty per cent failure rate. This is far higher than would otherwise be permitted for other surgical operations. Mastectomies may have the result of causing tendonitis, so that some patients are unable to raise their arms above their shoulders. It may also cause persistent pain, and there is also the problem of loss of sensation in the chest area. The effects of testosterone include menstruation ceasing, so that young women taking the hormone may experience the health problems of post-menopausal women. It also causes the uterus and other sexual organs to atrophy and stick to other organs. It can also cause painful spasms of the uterus. Many young trans-identified women undergo hysterectomies, not because they really want these organs removed, but because they are in so much pain with them caused by the testosterone.

She also talks about some of the serious medical consequences that may come from legal, but not full biological transition. It has happened that trans-identified women have become pregnant without them being aware that they have or could, with the consequence that they need gynaecological care although they identify as men. She talks about a case like this in America, where a transman presented themselves at the hospital with abdominal pain. The transman had also legally transitioned, so that their birth certificate recorded that they were male. By the time people realised that she was trans and in labour, tragically the child had died.

I am not trying to scare anyone by putting this information up, but I do think people should be aware of it. These possibilities have to be properly discussed with patients, to the point where I think it’s a reasonable position that such surgery should only be performed on those who absolutely need it.

Gender Transition as Gay Conversion Therapy

October 21, 2022

I’ve clipped this little segment about the way one mother came to view her infant son as trans in stark opposition to the possibility that the little fellow instead might just be gay from a mrmenno video on YouTube, ‘Graham Norton’s Accountability Problem – A Gay Man’s response’. Menno’s a gender critical gay man who posts videos deeply critical of the trans ideology and some of the people pushing it. In his video, he criticises Graham Norton for stating in an interview on TV that J.K. Rowling has ‘problematic views’ and refusing to defend Graham Linehan, the writer of Father Ted, who has also been viciously attacked, vilified and cancelled because he is also a staunch opponent of the trans ideology. Menno is especially critical of Norton because of the way he has thrown other gay men and lesbians under the bus. The gay community as well as biological women has been hard hit by the trans ideology. Homosexuality has been redefined as same-gender attraction, so that gays and lesbians are attacked as transphobic if they do not accept as lovers people of the opposite sex, who identify as trans.

I don’t wish to start another argument over the trans issue. I’m very much aware that many of the great people who read this blog don’t share my views. And I also want to make clear that I don’t support abuse, assault or discrimination against anyone because of their sexuality or sexual presentation. But I think the video makes a very good point when it discusses how some parents seem to be using gender transition as a way of ‘curing’ their children of gayness. The segment I’ve clipped below contains a statement from an American woman that she did this to her little boy to stop him being gay, as he was playing with girl’s toys. Graham Linehan has said that he’s been told by whistle blowers at the now defunct Tavistock clinic that many of the children they saw were gay. They had been brought to the clinic for treatment by their extremely homophobic parents. If true, then it is, in my opinion, frightening and disgusting. I don’t doubt that there are people are genuinely trans, and who benefit from such therapy and surgery. But it should not be used, as it appears to be by some, as a form of gay conversion therapy.

This is why I’m putting this clip up. It’s a confession that she turned to this by the mother of a gay child. And this has a direct bearing on Labour’s LGBTQ+ policy. The party has said it wants to ban all gay and trans conversion therapy. This is extremely questionable, as the brutal methods of gay conversion therapy have been rightly illegal for a long time. But the ban on trans conversion therapy seems to be designed to stop alternative forms of treatment, such as psychiatric counselling, that may stop patients transitioning, for whom gender reassignment surgery may be inappropriate. And if homophobic parents are using it as a form of gay conversion therapy, then transitions of this sort should be banned just as the Labour party intends. To see the clip, go to:

Toby Young on the Free Speech Union and Legislation Needed to Protect Free Speech

July 26, 2022

I am very definitely not a fan of Toby Young. He’s a very right-wing Tory with nasty eugenicist views. I think he’s part of the Spectator crew and something of a sleazeball, as Hill Street Blues’ officer Mick Belcher would describe him. If memory serves me right, he was one of the people behind a proposed free university, which collapsed a few years ago. Tweezer appointed him to the body that’s supposed to represent Britain’s students, despite the fact that it’s been at least a couple of decades since he was one. He got into Private Eye a few years ago for attending a eugenics conference at one of the London universities. Along with him were members of various American far right groups, who believed that race really did define intelligence and Blacks were biologically less bright than the rest of us. They also weren’t in favour of the welfare state, for the old, old reason that it’s a waste a money supporting people who can’t fend for themselves. In other words, some of the people there could be reasonably described as Nazis.

And his attitude to women leaves much to be desired. A few years ago he managed to cause mass disgust on Twitter or one of the social media platforms by describing how he watched female MPs on TV, commenting on their busts. Back in the 90s he wrote a piece for GQ about how he had been a ‘lesbian for a day’. He then revealed in the article that he’d dressed up in drag and then decided to go trolling through New York’s lesbian bars looking for a snog. He had successfully passed himself off as gay woman in two of them, before he was discovered in a third and had to beat a hasty retreat. Or been thrown out. Whatever. This is the kind of antics many lesbians are complaining about from trans-identified men, or possibly straight men claiming to be trans. They object to clearly biological men demanding romance or sex from them because they claim to be trans. There have been transwomen giving presentations on ‘Breaking the cotton ceiling’, which means getting into lesbians’ cotton underwear. Graham Linehan, formerly the writer behind Father Ted and now an anti-Trans activist, has remarked that one of the lesbian dating sites is actually full of bearded men, who are about as feminine as he is, all claiming to be trans. Well, Tobes tried this trick decades ago. But I wouldn’t like to see him as any kind of trans pioneer.

But his Free Speech Union does have a point.

Young and the others set this up to protect people from persecution because of their views. These are mostly individuals, whose views or comments are deemed offensive because of racism, sexism, homophobia or anti-trans. He appeared on a video on GB News talking about the work the Free Speech Union had done defending two such individuals. One was a railway worker, who’d been sacked because of a comment he’d posted on social media. He lived in one of the towns up north with a large Muslim community. After the lockdown was lifted, he posted that it was a relief no longer having to live in an alcohol-free Muslim caliphate. Someone complained to the company, and he was sacked. The Free Speech Union, however, took up his case, and an industrial tribunal declared in his favour that he was a victim of unfair dismissal and awarded him damages. The second case was a Christian woman, who offended woke sensibilities by stating that the Christian ideal of marriage should be the heterosexual one of a man and woman. Now I’d say that this was perfectly correct and normal, and that holding such a view doesn’t mean that you automatically hate gays or people in same-sex marriages. I’m absolutely sure you can hold such a traditional view of marriage, while recognising that gays also have the right to marry and for their marriages to be respected. But this traditional view was too much for someone, and she suffered because of it.

Now I realise that many people do disagree with these views, and particularly with the railway worker’s comments. It is islamophobic. But that’s the point. For free speech to mean anything, it has to include offensive or unpleasant speech. Free speech that only permits approved speech whether by the authorities or the populace, is no such thing. I’m not a free speech absolutist. There have to be limits, which in my opinion includes holocaust denial, the promotion of paedophilia or which urges people to commit other crimes, like incitement to riot. I’d also include real incitement to racial hatred, though my fear is that such reasonable legislation has been broadened too far to include comments which someone simply finds offensive, rather than which genuinely threatens the safety of Blacks and other people of colour. The guy’s remark is offensive and tasteless but not, I think, really worth his job.

Young explained that the Union would like to pass legislation protecting people from being sacked for their views, if they expressed them as private individuals and not as work or representatives of a company or organisation. He also talked about getting the trade unions to back such legislation, considering that the trade unions were founded to protect workers talking about their companies’ pay and conditions. Well, it was a bit more than that. They were founded to fight for workers’ pay and conditions, but yes, opposing victimisation for one’s views is part of that.

He also proposed having a two-year limit on what could be used to attack someone from their web history. Here I definitely agree with him. There have been a number of cases where politicos, celebrities and ordinary mortals have been embroiled in scandals because of something they said online a few years ago, sometimes when they were much younger. Quite often it’s people, who’ve said something unpleasant or bigoted about people from ethnic minorities and gays, sometimes when they were very young. Private Eye has done this several times. Quite often they’ve printed pieces showing that whatever such a politician, industrialist or media figure thinks now, back in the day he or she had very different views. Sometimes very far back, like in the ’80s or ’90s. People change, and don’t necessarily hold the same views they had when they were in their teens or twenties.

But another reason I’m prepared to give such legislation my approval is because it might stop some of the persecution by the witch hunters. The stock in trade of persecutory groups like the woefully misnamed Campaign Against Anti-Semitism and David Collier and the GnasherJew troll farm is going through their targets’ internet history looking for anything they can misrepresent as anti-Semitism. They’ve done it to a lot of people, many of them Jews and firm opponents of anti-Semitism. They did it to the great Jackie Walker, a self-respecting Jew by faith and blood and a very committed anti-racist activist. Jackie had been discussing the involvement of Jewish financiers – who she explicitly stated were members of her own people – in the slave trade. This is historic fact, and Jackie, as a proper historian and academic, has produced an enormous amount of mainstream scholarship by respected and respectable historians to support it. She has also made the obvious point that these financiers were working for Christian, European kings and states, with whom the ultimate responsibility lies. Again, perfectly correct. But she left out a word, which allowed the CAAS to misrepresent her grotesquely as an anti-Semite. That, and the Jewish Labour Movement secretly recording some of her perfectly reasonable comments about commemorating other groups’ holocausts, like the slave trade, during a workshop on commemorating the Holocaust, has led to her being expelled from the Labour party and receiving the most horrific abuse.

Another victim of the witch hunters was a perfectly innocent Jewish lady in Devon. She was mentioned in an online film Mike and other Corbyn-supporting peeps appeared on promoting a documentary refuting the accusation that Jeremy Corbyn is an anti-Semite. That film opened with a group of venerable rabbis in long beards, dark coats and broad-brimmed hats stating very clearly that Corbyn was no such thing. Many of the speakers, including Mike himself, were victims of the witch hunt and what looks to yours truly as gross libel. One of these wretched witch hunting groups had posted a map of the locations of anti-Semites, and this lady and her address were on it. As a result, she not only received abuse but her car was firebombed.

This is what is called ‘stochastic terrorism’.

This is the name given to the type of online activism when someone deliberately posts comments that will rile people up against a particular group or individual to the point where they may physically attack them. But the remarks that provoke and encourage the assault are carefully phrased so that the person making them can always disavow responsibility: ‘T’wasn’t anything I said, your honour. It’s nothing to do with me and I didn’t intend anything like it should happen.’ Except, of course, they did. As in my view was the case with this lady.

Toby Young is a Tory with deeply unpleasant views. But I do think the Free Speech Union has a point and deserves support.

Especially if it prevents malign witch hunters doxing innocent people, leading to attacks on them and their property.

My Reply to Labour Email on Gay and Trans Policies: Supporting Videos

July 3, 2022

My last post was about the email I received from the Labour outlining its proposed policies for gay and trans people. I have absolutely nothing against protecting gay and trans people from prejudice, violence and discrimination. However, although the implications of Labour’s stance towards trans people aren’t made clear in their message, I believe they pose grave dangers for women. I am afraid women may be left vulnerable to predatory men in prisons, schools, rape crisis centres and homelessness and domestic abuse shelters through such men simply stating that they identify as women as so gaining access to them. I believe that women’s achievements in sport will be harmed through men participating in them while also claiming that they are women mentally. And I am also worried that the ban on gay conversion therapy will mean affirmative-only care in the treatment of gender-confused and trouble children, to the point where individuals will be trans where this is definitely not the appropriate course of treatment. I am also convinced that the sudden explosion in trans-identifying youth is due trans having become a social contagion rather than the product of innate gender dysphoria. And this is being promoted at the ideological level by Queer Theory, a postmodernist revision of Marxism.

Here are a number of videos that support some of the points I made in my email back to the Labour party.

Here’s an audio piece by gay YouTuber Clive Simpson, in which he describes the horrors of real gay conversion therapy and argues that it is most definitely not the same as any modern trans conversion therapy. He makes the point that any ban on gay conversion therapy will effectively leave only the affirmative care model as the sole course of treatment.

On the violence by trans rights activists to gender critical feminists, here’s a 30 minute video by Maria Maclachlan, a left-wing gender critical feminist. She was physically assaulted by a trans activist at Speaker’s Corner, but in a disgusting miscarriage of justice she was then one prosecuted.

Here’s a series of three videos from James Lindsay in which he reads through Gayle Rubin’s Thinking Sex. This is one of the founding texts of Queer Theory, published in the 1980s. Lindsay lay clear its basis in the postmodernist revision of Marxism and how it seeks to legitimise paedophilia as part of its radical agenda for sexual liberation and social transformation. These are long videos – each one is about about an hour and fifty minutes long, more or less, so you might only want to watch one of them.

In this video from Graham Linehan he discusses WPATH’s collaboration with the Eunuch Archive with feminist writer Genevieve Gluck. The Eunuch Archive is an organisation for castration fetishists, whose website includes an archive of its members fiction, some of which involve sadistic fantasies of child abuse.

Another video from Glinner, in which he and his fellow conversationalists talk to two Spanish feminist guests about their campaigns and the violence they experienced from trans rights activists.

Here’s a short video of about 3 minutes plus on the controversy over the trans policy in Loudoun county schools.

There are several others that I could put up, but I hope these will be enough for now.

Karen Davies on Feminist Article Debunking Claims that Africans and Other Non-White Peoples Didn’t Know about Biological Sex before European Colonisation

June 14, 2022

I felt I had to put this up, because the fact that activists and feminist scholars like Karen Davies and Jennifer Seiland, the author of magazine article Davies discusses, have to refute this nonsense show how far the ideological fantasies of Queer Theory have poisoned genuine political, feminist and ethnological discourse. Davies is a Black American lady, who’s a sharp, trenchant critic of the transgender ideology and its supporters. She’s a musician, schoolteacher teaching young children, and has also worked in the care sector with the mentally ill. She has very strong, uncompromising views on both the transgender ideology and transwomen which has led to disputes with other gender critical campaigners, like Graham Linehan. However, her views and criticisms are informed by medical scholarship, and she cites the appropriate medical and psychiatric literature to support her case.

In this video she approvingly discusses a piece in the feminist magazine Reduxx by Jennifer Seiland ‘Black Women Are Women. Men Are Not’, concentrating particularly on Seiland’s attack on a frankly weird and bonkers idea going around Trans supporters and ideologues. This is that Africans did not understand biological sex and the gender binary before it was imposed on them by White, Christian Europeans. Davies herself makes good, and sometimes glaringly obvious points against this nonsense. Like Africans obviously knew about the gender binary and the biological differences between the sexes, like everyone else. It would have partly been a survival issue. You wouldn’t let heavily pregnant women go hunting where they were particularly vulnerable to animal attack. Rather, you’d give them other, lighter work to do and leave them with other people in attendance to help them when the baby arrived. She points to great African civilisations like ancient Egypt and asks how anybody could build such a great culture and its monuments, if they were too thick to know the difference between men and women. She also raises the point that people in the ancient world travelled widely long before European colonisation, and that the Vikings probably got to Africa. She also makes the feminist point that not only were Black women frequently denied their humanity, but so were women generally. She compares the attitude that African’s didn’t understand the difference between men and women to nonsense she was taught at Roman Catholic school that Africans didn’t have language until the Europeans arrived.

This all seems to be a development of one of the arguments used by the supporters of the transgender ideology that non-western cultures have a third gender, and that White westerners, as racist colonialists, have imposed their narrow view that there are only two sexes on them. Now some cultures do have a third gender category for people, usually gay men, who are seen as somehow neither male nor female. A few years ago the Indian hijras – eunuchs – were campaigning for official recognition as a third gender. One book I read years ago about Polynesian society described the gay men in those societies, who grew their hair long, dressed as women and took up feminine occupations like laundry. Going further back, Herodotus in his Histories describes how the men of the Scythian aristocracy often dressed as women and did feminine tasks.

Not all cultures outside Europe have such ideas, however, and in many African cultures the sex roles can be very marked. For example, among the Dowayo of Cameroon the smiths are men but their wives are potters. Basket-weaving is also feminine occupation,. The British anthropologist, Dr. Nigel Barley, in his book The Innocent Anthropologist, describes the general hilarity he caused among his hosts when he tried his hand at basked making. To me the statement that Africans didn’t know about biological sex seems to be a new mutation of the old, and thoroughly discredited anthropological belief that primitive peoples, like those of Papua New Guinea, didn’t understand the father’s role in conception. They believed instead that a god or spirit had entered the woman’s womb. In fact later research showed that primitive peoples know very well that you need a biological man as well as a women to make the next generation.

I also wonder how anyone can make such a ludicrous statement that it needs to be refuted by a feminist scholar like Seiland, when there’s a wealth of popular literature about Africa and its peoples that would easily show otherwise. All you have to do is look for the books on Africa in the local library or good bookstore. And there’s some excellent LGBTQ+ literature which discusses homosexuality and related issues around the world. One of these is A Gay History of the World. This describes the case of an African queen, who overthrew her husband, took on male dress and ruled as king. She also had a harem of male wives, who wore women’s clothes. It’s definitely queer, but it seems to me to be a result of very strong traditional ideas about the sex roles. Only men can rule as kings. Therefore, any woman that tries to rule, has to make herself culturally a man, which means dressing in masculine clothes and having a harem of wives. Though as it seems the queen was heterosexual, these were men rather than women.

As for what Davies was taught in Catholic school about Africans not possessing language until it was brought to them by Whites, I honestly have no idea where that notion came from. It’s the kind of rubbish Fascist groups like the National Front used to say. But European explorers and linguists from the 19th century, and no doubt well before, knew that Africans had their own tongues. The Victorian explorer Richard Burton gives a complete description of the language of the east African city of Harar with grammar and extensive vocabulary in his account of his journeys in that part of the continent. In Wanderings in West Africa he talks approvingly of the Mandinko people and the language of the Kru, asking why Brits dealing with them can’t use their own, perfectly good indigenous names rather than give them nicknames like ‘Three-Fingered Jack’. I’m not saying such attitudes towards African languages is common in the church. I know it isn’t. One of the other voluntary workers at the Empire and Commonwealth Museum told me once how he’d heard mass in Swahili when in Africa. It seems pretty clear that this bizarre idea that African’s didn’t have their own languages isn’t general to Roman Catholics, but just held by those particular teachers in Davies’ old school.

I do wonder at the intellectual damage assertions like the idea that Africans had no notion of biological sex are doing. At the moment they’re held by a small, highly ideologically driven elite, but it seems to be an attempt to deny biological reality for ideological reasons. And I fear that it will be enforced by the same people that protest against and sack academics like Kathleen Stock, who simply assert that sex and gender are based in biological reality, rather than mental or cultural constructs.

Genevieve Gluck’s Long Video about the Origins of the Trans Flag and Its Similarity to Paedophile Symbols

May 26, 2022

A few days ago I put up a very short – 1m 30s – video from the feminist activist Genevieve Gluck about the trans flag and how it shares the same colours as the symbols used by paedophile organisations, put up by Women’s Declaration International. The video was an extract from this much longer piece, which lasts just over 35 minutes. The video explains how the flag was invented by Monica Helms, a transwoman, formerly Richard Hogge, who had been in the American navy. Interestingly, Helms seems to regard herself as both male and female, and that she can flip between those genders at will, rather than strictly trans female. Helms had been married when a man, but this broke up as he began to transition.

The video also discusses how Helms/Hogge had been a member of a transvestite organisation, Tri-Sigma, or the Society for the Second Self. Sigma is the Greek letter representing the ‘S’ sound. It deliberately sported a classical abbreviation in order to sound like the American college fraternities and sororities. It defined itself as ‘a sorority without women’. It was anti-gay, and part of its campaign was to make more women supportive of their husbands’ cross-dressing. She shows a number of cartoons from the pages of its magazine, whose jokes seem to be about the husband lying back in female attire while his wife does all the housework. One of the creepier shows a husband and son together, both in drag. The magazine also published advice about how its readers could become more feminine, such as by reading women’s magazines, choosing a female hobby and so on. With the exception of the sexism in the cartoons and the one with the father and son, which looks very much like grooming, this seems harmless enough. Where it becomes sinister is in the colours of the trans flag, baby blue and pink, which are the same as those used in their symbols and logos by real paedophile organisations. These predate the trans flag, but Helms says he wasn’t aware of them.

Helms has also written a book of his fiction exploring his sexuality. Some of his stories are about women, who die and whose identifies are taken over by their widowed husbands. They also include magical little girls who mysteriously don’t age.

Where this becomes sinister is when the same kind of fantasy and pornography is published on the web by organisations that include truly vile and horrific material. Gluck discusses one such organisation and website, which includes not only the transvestite porn, but also paedophilia, bestiality and castration fantasies. It’s able to do this quite legally after the judge ruled in a court case brought by a group for the porn industry that it could be published as long as it was all text without images.

Gluck, like many gender critical feminists and other critics of the trans ideology, is afraid of the links between parts of the trans movement and the paedophile fringe. She notes the way there was also a move to legalise paedophilia in the 1970s along with gay rights and those of other sexualities. In Germany the only people that opposed this was the feminist group Emma. The video clearly expresses the fear that pro-paedophile activists are trying to do the same through their connections to part of the trans movement.

I do not support the persecution, abuse, physical assault or discrimination of anybody because of their gender presentation or sexual orientation. I also certainly don’t believe that transpeople are paedophiles, nor wish to promote that idea.

Following my earlier video, Jim Round, one of the great commenters on this blog, remarked that he had worked with a transwoman, who quietly got on with her job and got married. He believes that most transpeople, at least 80 per cent, are like that, and is suspicious of the culture war against them by right-wing organisations like GB News. He is particularly afraid that they are trying to whip up hatred against all transpeople. I agree with him on much of this. I believe most transpeople probably do just want to get on with their lives as quietly as possible as ordinary citizens. I doubt very many trans people are aware of these links. And while some of the right-wing activists and spokespeople criticising the trans ideology are, I believe, sincere, I also think there’s more than an element of propaganda there as well. The horrors and idiocies committed by part of the trans movement is a convenient stick for the right, with which they can beat the left. And Graham Linehan has talked to gays and transpeople, who are afraid that they will suffer as a community for the ideas and actions of the extremists. What gender critical activists like Graham Linehan wish to do is take the situation back to c. 2010, when there were only three or four cases a year being treated and before the massive explosion in transgender activism, which seems to have encouraged tens of thousands of mentally and emotionally vulnerable people to see themselves mistakenly as trans.

Trans people should not be persecuted, but there are deeply sinister people and organisations on the fringes, who do need to be exposed and purged.