Posts Tagged ‘Caricatures’

Sketches of Starmer, Blair and Evans as Monkeys

August 14, 2023

I’ve finally gotten round to it. I’ve been meaning to draw this sketch of Keir Starmer, Tony Blair and David Evans as monkeys for a few weeks now. Mike told me that a friend of his had pointed out that the similarity between Starmer and a baboon and Blair to a macaque, and this inspired me to draw them as these primates. I’ve done Starmer as a baboon, and Blair and Evans both as macaques.

Looking at it, their faces on the monkeys’ bodies look a bit nightmarish, like some of the future varieties of humanity in Dougal Dixon’s anthropology of the future Man After Man. Dixon was a zoologist, and the book was a sequel to his previous excursion into speculative biology, After Man: A Biology of the Future. This imagined what creatures would arise if humanity and its domestic animals became extinct. Some of these would be creatures similar to contemporary animals through different creatures moving into their environmental and evolutionary niches. For example, there would be creatures like whales descended from penguins. In Man After Man, Dixon portrayed the new types of humanity that would appear, extending into the far future, in response to environmental changes, global warming and genetic engineering. One of these new human species would be a return to the primitive arboreal primate form, deliberately created through genetic engineering as the best adaptation to the changing climate. Other varieties included aquatic forms and post-humans specially adapted to the vacuum of space. Man After Man is a fascinating book, though I think Dixon was successfully sued over it by an artist, who claimed he plagiarised some of his ideas.

The sketch also reminds me of the video to the Basement Jaxx song, ‘Where’s My Head At?’, which is about evil scientists downloading musicians’ skills to monkeys, who then have the musicians’ faces and play their instruments. It’s very nightmarish as indeed are these clowns.

Colin Bennet, the right-wing Fortean blogger, who had a spat with the Fortean Times because they insisted he tell them whether or not he thought George Adamski was a fraud, used to call any expression of mass stupidity or ridiculous outrage, particularly from the left, ‘baboonage’. Well, it fits Starmer’s administration, which has been carrying on a ridiculous campaign of hysterical persecution against the left, and particularly against left-wing Jews very much like a mass attack of angry monkeys.

Nick Robinson Denies Britain First Connection to Murder of Jo Cox

December 17, 2017

Remember Jo Cox, the Yorkshire Labour MP, who was shot and stabbed to death by Thomas Mair, a Nazi, because of her defence of Muslims and immigrants? Mike this morning posted up a piece reporting that the Macclesfield Goebbels, Nick Robinson, appeared on Radio 4 to deny that there was any substantial connection between Mair and Britain First. Yes, Mair shouted ‘Britain First’, but that doesn’t mean that he was connected to them.

Oh yeah? Mike therefore quotes Devutopia’s Tweet, showing Mair standing proudly behind one of their banners. Devutopia states Robinson Goebbels as a fake journalist, and demands that he goes.

Mike concludes his article with the question, ‘Do you agree?’

Did YOU hear Nick Robinson peddling fake news about Jo Cox’s murderer on BBC radio?

Absolutely. Robinson is a partisan, hack propagandist. This isn’t the first time he’s been blogged about in connection to Britain First. He was photographed the other year with one of the leaders, Jayda Fransen. Britain First is a Christo-fascist organisation with a crusading attitude towards Islam and Muslim immigrants. They’ve also made common cause with Zionists, including Jews, protesting against pro-Palestinian events around London. You can only describe this as Fascists of the world uniting to beat up a third group.

A few years ago I drew this caricature of Robinson and Fransen to express my disgust at his attitude when meeting her.

And Robinson has otherwise been very blatantly mendacious. Who can forget the way he selectively edited out Alex Salmond’s very full response to his question about whether the financial houses in Edinburgh would move from Scotland if Scotland achieved independent. Salmond said no, based on his own discussions with their leaders. This was too much for Robinson and the Beeb, who subsequently edited it down, claiming that Salmond didn’t answer question fully, and then finally that he avoided it altogether.

He’s a disgrace to objective journalism, as Laura Kuennsberg, and the two should be shown the door as quickly as possible.

Vox Political on Tory Outcry against RMT Chief for Stating They Should Be Killed for Murdering the Poor

February 3, 2016

Mike has this story over at Vox Political surrounding the outcry the Tories have raised against the comments by the senior assistant general secretary of RMT, Steve Hedley, on a debate on LBC hosted by Shelagh Fogarty: Hedley was justifiably outraged by the number of disabled people, who have died due to their welfare cuts. He declared the Tories were murdering them, and that for this they should be taken out and shot.

Mike makes the point that the ensuing outcry is the reason he won’t allow similar demands or recommendations of violence against the Tories on his blog, for the reason that the Tories would use it to drown out the main message – that their wretched welfare reforms are killing the disabled – and use it as an excuse to attack it.

He’s right. When faced with any really tough rhetoric, the Tories immediately claim victimhood and whine, bitch and moan. In their minds, they represent dignified civil discourse against the slovenly manners, fecklessness and hooliganism of the Great Unwashed. And they are always, always unjustly maligned by thuggish opponents. Even when the reverse is true. And their welfare benefits are killing people, and reducing those in genuine need to utter poverty. Mike on Vox Political, Stilloaks, Jayne Linney and other disability bloggers have catalogued the various deaths that have resulted.

I actually wonder how the Tories would react if they were faced with really forthright criticism. Such as, for example, from the pen of Hunter S. Thompson, the journalist and author of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Thompson was the inventor of Gonzo journalism, and didn’t mince his words when it came to describing those politicos that aroused his hate and disgust. In his piece on Richard Nixon, he described the former president as ‘so crooked he had screw his pants on in the morning’. He also said that instead of giving him a land burial, they should have buried him at sea, or flushed him into the sewers with the other turds.

And the bile didn’t stop with the Watergate conspirators. He also expressed his utter contempt and loathing of the Oliver North, Pat Buchanan, Admiral Poindexter and the others in the Reagan administration responsible for the Iran/Contra affair. One of them was described as being ‘so crooked it took three Whitehouse aids to screw him into his pants’. He thought they should be shut in a bamboo cage to be poked with sharp sticks, and flogged all the way along Route 66. As for Ed Meese, Reagan’s equally crooked attorney general, he said that he should have been hung upside down from a lamp post.

Maggie Thatcher also disgusted him. In a piece he published, replying to a letter from his illustrator, Ralph Steadman, he called Thatcher a ‘denatured hog’, and said that Steadman’s delinquent son was quite right to smash windows. Any young person who didn’t want to smash windows in Thatcher’s Britain was probably brain-dead.

This is strong language indeed, especially in the American press, which is now very cautious and respectful. In Britain it would result in paroxysms of Tory fury, as any criticism, no matter how small, of the Blessed St Margaret of Grantham is regarded as the vilest blasphemy. The Conservatives – traditionally the party of the Anglican establishment – have no scruples about attacking the Archbishop of Canterbury, or indeed any other clergyman or woman, if they dare to speak out on their dreadful welfare policies. But the sanctity of Maggie Thatcher, the patron saint of monetarism and South American dictators, must be defended with all their might.

Mike’s quite right to be worried that comments urging violence would give them ammunition to ignore and distort what’s actually said on his blog. Their past masters at that. Hedley’s statement that they should be shot gave them all the material they needed to distort the debate. But they are monstrous thugs, whose policies are killing tens of thousands of people, and who can’t stand the kind of criticism their atrocities deserve.