Posts Tagged ‘Muslim Association of Britain’

Stop the War Coalition on South African Delegates at Sunday’s Trade Union Conference and News of March Tomorrow

June 7, 2024

Newsletter – 07/06/24

THIS SUNDAY! Why War, Peace & Palestine Are Trade Union Issues

We’re delighted to announce that Irvin Jim, General Secretary of National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa, will be speaking at our TU Conference on Sunday! Irvin and his union, SA’s biggest union, has repeatedly condemned and marched against apartheid Israel’s atrocities. If you want to hear what he’s got to say make sure you join us on Sunday.

Our opening plenary The World at War – A Trade Union Issue features some fantastic international speakers including Chris Smalls from the Amazon Labour Union who touched down in London today and Susan Abdul Salam from the New Union of Jerusalem who is joining us online. It promises to be one of a number of excellent discussions over the course of the day.

We’ve also added two more important speakers to the line-up with Palestinian author and activist Ghada Karmi coming to address the conference as well as Muslim Association of Britain President, Raghad Altikriti.

At the heart of the trade union movement lies international solidarity, which the Palestinians so desperately need. So it’s vital that we continue to work with the trade unions in recognition that war and peace are class issues and Palestine is very much a trade union issue.

So this Sunday (9 June), our Trade Union Conference will ask the key question: with the world at war, how do we stop the warmongers? Be part of it.

Click Here to Register

Tomorrow’s National Demonstration for Palestine

As Israel’s murderous attacks on Rafah and other parts of the Gaza strip continue we need to ensure that tomorrow’s demonstration is another huge mobilisation for a ceasefire and against our government’s continuing support and arming of Israel.

The demonstration will assemble at Russell Sq at the slightly amended time of 12.30pm and marching to Parliament Square. See you on the streets!

Click Here for Details inc Route etc

Stop the War Coalition on the Government’s Extremism Bill and Attacks on Diane Abbott

March 16, 2024

Newsletter – 15/03/24

Defy this Rotten Rotten Government – Free Palestine 🗣️🇵🇸

“There is a form of extremism in the centre of the main party that is accusing everybody else.” Michael Mansfield KC

This week the government has, once again, been exposed as the extremists we know them to be. As Michael Gove attempted to create a shadowy confusion around the definition of extremism, in the process targeting our Muslim sisters and brothers, the government were found to be receiving millions of pounds from a racist who thinks Diane Abbott MP “should be shot”.

Abbott, who was due to speak at our public meeting on the right to protest on the same evening the vile comments came to light, received a vote of confidence from the meeting and sent an excellent statement on the issues. She said:

“All of us who have gone on all the Gaza demos calling for peace, should wear the attacks on us as a badge of honour. We are standing in a long line of brave campaigners who stood up for what is right.”

Following Gove’s speech in Parliament, we released a joint statement with the other groups responsible for organising the recent, unprecedented series of demonstrations for Palestine which concluded:

“We call upon all political parties to condemn Gove’s statement and resist the government’s plans. We are united as a coalition and will not allow Gove’s intervention to distract us from standing in solidarity with a people confronting genocide, ethnic cleansing, occupation and apartheid. We call upon all of those who support us in these aims, and uphold the right to protest, to join us in our next national march in London on 30 March.”

In particular we’d like to send our solidarity and support to the Muslim Association of Britain who were named by Gove and have been partners of ours for many years. We find these vindictive government attacks abhorrent.

The March Against Racism tomorrow is a very important opportunity to show that we won’t allow racism and hatred to divide us. Our Convenor, Lindsey German, will be speaking at the march – please join if you can.

Read & Share Our Statement

Last Saturday’s tremendous demonstration proved once again the phenomenal resilience of this movement. Nearly half a million people took to the streets in the tenth national demonstration calling for the ceasefire that our politicians still refuse to countenance.

We have to continue to resist the attacks from this rotten government and, more importantly, show our unrelenting commitment to the cause of a free Palestine. We urge all our groups and supporters to start building now for another massive march on Saturday 30 March – Palestine Land Day.

Click Here for More Details

Defend the Right to Protest: Palestine, Islamophobia & Civil Liberties

Watch or listen back via our new Spotify Podcast Channel to Tuesday’s meeting at the Human Rights Action Centre with Michael Mansfield KC, Jude Lanchin, Jan Nielsen, Raghad Altikriti, Ben Jamal, Chris Nineham, Jun Pang and Liz Fekete – discussing how to defend our rights at this dangerous moment.

Watch/Listen Back Now

Stop the War Trade Union Network – Important Dates

We’re launching a fresh wave of StWC Trade Union Network activity over the coming weeks and months. Here are some important dates for your diaries…

  • Mon 15 April – Online Rally
  • Weds 1 May – Workplace Day of Action for Palestine
  • Early June Date TBC – Rescheduled StWC TU Conference

The Details for the Stop the War Coalition’s March on Saturday. And It Doesn’t Go Near the Cenotaph

November 9, 2023

Just got this earlier today. Stop the War Coalition have organised a massive demonstration against the conflict in Gaza, and as you can read in their message about it, they’re avoiding the Cenotaph and urging everyone to be respectful of it.

Which isn’t what you’re being told by lying media like GB News, Talk TV, and right-wing pundits like Jim Davidson and Nigel Farage.

Which is one of the several good reasons why it needs to be put up.

🇵🇸 National March For Palestine – Ceasefire Now! 🇵🇸

Saturday 11th November

Assemble: 12pm at Hyde Park – Marching to the US Embassy, Nine Elms Lane, London, SW11 7US

The breadth and depth of the support for the movement’s calls for a ceasefire has ensured that this Saturday’s march will go ahead. Thank you to everyone who helped. The demonstration is set to be huge.

We want to send a clear message from the march that we represent the majority of the population in our calls for a ceasefire and that the movement in support of the Palestinians is growing in strength. There are many in the establishment and on the right who want to see us fail on Saturday so it is important that we have the biggest possible turnout and that we remain disciplined and united, and clear on the principles on which we march. Our call for a ceasefire is rooted in a sincere wish to see an end to all violence, especially that which targets civilians, while recognising that this cannot be achieved unless the root causes of that violence, the 75 years of ongoing Nakba against the Palestinian people, are adequately addressed.

The march assembles in Park Lane at 12 noon and will set off around 12.45pm. We urge people to use Bond Street, Lancaster Gate and Hyde Park Corner stations as well as Marble Arch station to avoid congestion.

We will march past Victoria, over Vauxhall Bridge and past the US embassy to a stage further down Nine Elm’s Lane. This is not a usual end point but we felt it was important to protest at the US embassy and to respect the Armistice commemorations, by ensuring we were not marching anywhere near Whitehall.

There will be a very strong stewards operation but the crowds will be big so we suggest people appoint a couple of stewards from their coaches or groups in order to keep in contact with everyone. Coach companies are asked to contact their trade associations for details of drop off and pick up points.

We ask people not to let off fireworks or flares as these can be frightening and our demonstrations have been attended by many thousands of children. 

There are a number of stations near the end point including Battersea Power Station, Battersea Park, Nine Elms, and Vauxhall. We ask that when the rally is over at around 4pm, you leave the area as quickly as possible so as not to cause too much disruption to the local community.
It is clear we are starting to make a difference and pushing back those who refuse to call for a ceasefire. Let’s make this Saturday another inspiring, peaceful and united show of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

On behalf of the 6 orgnaisers of Saturday’s demonstration: Stop the War Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Friends of Al-Aqsa, Muslim Association of Britain, Palestinian Forum in Britain and Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. 

Click Here for Full Info

We need volunteers to help on the day including stewards, distributing placards and helping on the Stop the War stall. We also need If you’re able to lend us a hand on the day please let us know by emailing us using the button below….

Yes, I can volunteer on Saturday

🇵🇸 Trade Union Bloc on Saturday 🇵🇸

Given the attempt to silence pro-Palestinian voices in the mainstream it is crucial that this Saturday’s protest reflects the breadth and depth of feeling against the current onslaught against Gaza and elsewhere. This is particularly the case for trade union regions, branches and members.

Having a visible labour movement presence on the demonstration is vital to its impact so we’re calling on local trade union branches and trades councils to organise delegations and bring their banners down to Saturday’s demo.

The Trade Union Bloc will be congregating at 11am at Speakers Corner. Be there.

Notification from Labour & Palestine of Upcoming Demos and Events

May 5, 2023

Speak up for Palestine – 3 ways to show your support

Now is the time to stand with the Palestinian people. Here are 3 ways you can get involved:

  1. March for Palestine on May 13 – RSVP here // Share & invite friends here // Retweet here. Details below.
  2. Move our model motion on Supporting Palestinian Human Rights at your local meeting – Read & download here.
  3. Support the Right to Boycott against upcoming Tory attacks – show your support here & read more here.

DETAILS: March for Palestine!

Join us in London on Saturday May 13 & take these 3 easy steps to build our bloc & the demo:

  • RSVP here
  • Share & invite friends here
  • Retweet & spread the word here

The Palestinian people need our solidarity now more than ever. We will be joining fellow Labour members & affiliated trade unionists who will be joining this protest march and rally for Palestine taking place on Saturday 13th May 2023 in central London.

The march is supported by numerous trade unions including Artists’ Union England, BFAWU, CWU, The MU, NEU, PCS, RMT, TSSA, UCU, UNISON, Unite the Union.



  • Date: Saturday 13 May 2023
  • Time: 12pm
  • Location: The BBC, Portland Place W1A, London

Organised by: Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War Coalition, Palestinian Forum in Britain, Friends of Al-Aqsa, Muslim Association of Britain, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

Supported by Artists’ Union England, BFAWU, CWU, The MU, NEU, PCS, RMT, TSSA, UCU, UNISON, Unite the Union.

The March is also commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Nakba when over 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly expelled from their homes and villages in 1948.

More demo info can be found on the PSC Website here.

March for Palestine Demo on May 13th

April 28, 2023

I go this yesterday from Labour & Palestine:

March for Palestine!

Join us in London on Saturday May 13 & take these 3 easy steps to build our bloc & the demo:

  • RSVP here
  • Share & invite friends here
  • Retweet & spread the word here

The Palestinian people need our solidarity now more than ever. We will be joining fellow Labour members & affiliated trade unionists who will be joining this protest march and rally for Palestine taking place on Saturday 13th May 2023 in central London.

The march is supported by numerous trade unions including Artists’ Union England, BFAWU, CWU, The MU, NEU, PCS, RMT, TSSA, UCU, UNISON, Unite the Union.



  • Date: Saturday 13 May 2023
  • Time: 12pm
  • Location: The BBC, Portland Place W1A, London

Organised by: Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War Coalition, Palestinian Forum in Britain, Friends of Al-Aqsa, Muslim Association of Britain, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

Supported by Artists’ Union England, BFAWU, CWU, The MU, NEU, PCS, RMT, TSSA, UCU, UNISON, Unite the Union.

The March is also commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Nakba when over 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly expelled from their homes and villages in 1948.

More demo info can be found on the PSC Website here.

I can’t go, but I’m putting this up for anyone who can.