Posts Tagged ‘Rafah’

Stop the War Coalition on South African Delegates at Sunday’s Trade Union Conference and News of March Tomorrow

June 7, 2024

Newsletter – 07/06/24

THIS SUNDAY! Why War, Peace & Palestine Are Trade Union Issues

We’re delighted to announce that Irvin Jim, General Secretary of National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa, will be speaking at our TU Conference on Sunday! Irvin and his union, SA’s biggest union, has repeatedly condemned and marched against apartheid Israel’s atrocities. If you want to hear what he’s got to say make sure you join us on Sunday.

Our opening plenary The World at War – A Trade Union Issue features some fantastic international speakers including Chris Smalls from the Amazon Labour Union who touched down in London today and Susan Abdul Salam from the New Union of Jerusalem who is joining us online. It promises to be one of a number of excellent discussions over the course of the day.

We’ve also added two more important speakers to the line-up with Palestinian author and activist Ghada Karmi coming to address the conference as well as Muslim Association of Britain President, Raghad Altikriti.

At the heart of the trade union movement lies international solidarity, which the Palestinians so desperately need. So it’s vital that we continue to work with the trade unions in recognition that war and peace are class issues and Palestine is very much a trade union issue.

So this Sunday (9 June), our Trade Union Conference will ask the key question: with the world at war, how do we stop the warmongers? Be part of it.

Click Here to Register

Tomorrow’s National Demonstration for Palestine

As Israel’s murderous attacks on Rafah and other parts of the Gaza strip continue we need to ensure that tomorrow’s demonstration is another huge mobilisation for a ceasefire and against our government’s continuing support and arming of Israel.

The demonstration will assemble at Russell Sq at the slightly amended time of 12.30pm and marching to Parliament Square. See you on the streets!

Click Here for Details inc Route etc

Labour South Bristol MP Karin Smyth on the Labour Party’s Gaza Amendment

February 23, 2024

There was some kind of upset in parliament Wednesday night. From what I gather the SNP tabled a motion calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. The Labour party tabled an amendment, which some people say the speaker, Lindsay Hoyle, was bullied or tricked into upholding, and the SNP walked out. There have therefore been demands for Hoyle’s resignation, while Labour has been accused by the anti-Islam right of cowardice for supposedly caving in to ‘Islamist’ demands. There was indeed a demonstration outside parliament, and while I don’t doubt that Islamist firebrands were out there, it was a demonstration in support of Gaza and the Palestinians, not a demand for sharia law. But you wouldn’t think that by some of the ludicrous videos put up by GB News. Patrick Christys, a particularly horrible right-wing sprog, has called for sharia law to be banned in Britain. Well, sharia law has no legal standing. I haven’t noticed people having their hands amputated for theft, or being whipped for other offences as prescribed by Islamic law. If they were, the people involved would be arrested for assault of various degrees of severity, and hopefully convicted and imprisoned. But that’s another issue. From what I’ve read of the amendment, not only does it call for a ceasefire, but it also demands a halt to the construction of Israeli settlement and a two-state solution to the problem. Corbyn, I feel, would also have demanded a halt to the expansion of Israeli settlements. Which is ironic, as according to Starmer and his faction, he was a terrible anti-Semite and threat to Jews. I think, however, that most pro-Palestine activists feel that a two-state solution is unworkable and that what should happen is that the Palestinians should be integrated as genuinely full and equal citizens of Israel.

Here’s what Karen Smyth said:

‘Dear David,

On Wednesday, Parliament resolved to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, agreeing the text of the Labour amendment to the Scottish National Party motion without a division.

Like all of us, I have watched the events of the last five months in the Middle East with horror and sadness at the abominable loss of life. I know members of Bristol South Labour Party are extremely concerned by the continuing conflict.

This Labour amendment was much stronger than the original motion brought by the SNP, which failed to address violence elsewhere in Palestine and the need for a massive, unimpeded relief effort in Gaza. Not only did our motion definitively call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, it also called for an end to settlement expansion and violence in the West Bank. In addition, it re-stated long-standing Labour policy on a two-state solution.

It was gravely disappointing and saddening to see this important decision by Parliament being overlooked due to events in the chamber that night.

The fighting must come to an end. The UK must now work with our international partners to bring about that immediate ceasefire, and provide a credible plan to end this conflict. Statehood is the inalienable right of the Palestinian people alongside a safe and secure Israel.

Please see below for the full text of Labour’s amendment.

Yours sincerely,

Karin Smyth

Labour amendment in full

“That this House believes that an Israeli ground offensive in Rafah risks catastrophic humanitarian consequences and therefore must not take place; notes the intolerable loss of Palestinian life, the majority being women and children; condemns the terrorism of Hamas who continue to hold hostages; supports Australia, Canada and New Zealand’s calls for Hamas to release and return all hostages and for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, which means an immediate stop to the fighting and a ceasefire that lasts and is observed by all sides, noting that Israel cannot be expected to cease fighting if Hamas continues with violence and that Israelis have the right to the assurance that the horror of 7 October 2023 cannot happen again; therefore supports diplomatic mediation efforts to achieve a lasting ceasefire; demands that rapid and unimpeded humanitarian relief is provided in Gaza; further demands an end to settlement expansion and violence; urges Israel to comply with the International Court of Justice’s provisional measures; calls for the UN Security Council to meet urgently; and urges all international partners to work together to establish a diplomatic process to deliver the peace of a two-state solution, with a safe and secure Israel alongside a viable Palestinian state, including working with international partners to recognise a Palestinian state as a contribution to rather than outcome of that process, because statehood is the inalienable right of the Palestinian people and not in the gift of any neighbour.