Posts Tagged ‘Morris’

The Young Turks: Thirty Blacks Students Evicted, Photographer Attacked by Secret Service at Trump Rallies

March 2, 2016

More filofascismo from the Tyrant of Trump Tower. In this piece, The Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur discusses two incidents in which people were thrown out or brutalised by the Secret Service agents guarding Trump rallies.

The first incident was at Valdosta College. Thirty Black students got up without saying anything during a Trump rally on campus. So, despite the fact that they hadn’t said anything, they were judged a disruption, and thrown out by the Secret Service agents acting as stewards. The Secret Service is now denying that they did any such thing, stating that one agent led them out. They then passed the buck, stating that it was the job of local law enforcement to remove people from rallies like Trump’s. Uygur points out that it looks like Secret Service were involved, if one of their agents was responsible for throwing out the Black protestors. As they were removed, one of the Black students, Tahjila Davis, said they heard someone say that it was ‘private property’, and ‘Trump’s property’. But she points out, she paid her tuition fees to be there.

In this second incident, Morris, a respected photojournalist, was grabbed by the throat and thrown to the ground by a Secret Service agent at another Trump rally. Why? He had stepped 18 inches out of the pen in which the press were confined. The clip does show Morris kicking back, but only after he’d been assaulted. Morris has since then said that he’s fine, and is not going to press charges. Uygur is outraged, and believes he should to stop Trump and more of his Brownshirt thuggery.

Uygur notes the way the violence and intolerance at Trump’s rallies have escalated. At first it was just Trump abusing protestors. Then it was Trump and his supporters acting as Brownshirts. Now he’s got the Secret Service acting as his Brownshirts. Uygur lists the various people, who’ve been assaulted, thrown out and abused by Trump and his squadristi. These have included women, and people, who simply didn’t do anything at all. All while people in the mob have chanted ‘White power’ slogans. And this is before Trump’s in power. Uygur asks what’s going to happen when he is in the White House, and is able to use the power of the state to crack down on people he doesn’t like. He’s already using the Secret Service as his Brownshirts.

No, he should be sued. And the Secret Service and law enforcement authorities should not be protecting him. They should be protecting the general public, protestors and journalists from Trump.

It’s a very impassioned speech, but Uygur’s right. This how Fascists behave. Oswald Mosley, the titled leader of the British Union of Fascists and his Blackshirts behaved exactly the same way in the 1930s.They attacked and beat left wing protestors at their rallies. The various Nazi successors to the BUF today, the NF, BNP, Combat 18, National Action and the other sawdust Caesars are behaving exactly like it today. There was a Neo-Nazi rally in Liverpool this weekend, where they started to cause trouble, hitting a girl in the face with a brick. Trump’s a Nazi on the march, and his fascistic thuggery won’t disappear once he gets in the White House. It’ll just have more chance to grow.