Posts Tagged ‘'anigerianperspectivewithfrank’

A Nigerian Reacts to the Shocking Truths Many Western People Don’t Know

June 9, 2023

There is a short video from the YouTube channel @anigerianperspectivewithfrank, where the host talks about clips from White British speakers talking about the other African slave trades. I think the speaker Douglas Murray, a pillar of the Tories, but nevertheless right when he says that you can’t talk about the slave trade without mentioning the 1 million White Europeans kidnapped into slavery from the north African Barbary pirates. 11 million Black Africans were enslaved by Euro-Americans, but 18 million where enslaved by the Muslims. And he describes this as a genocide, because they castrated the males.

This is the stuff that really needs to be taught in schools so that children learn that slavery was a global evil not confined to the White west or Britain. And it’s important that Black people recognise this and discuss it.

Unfortunately, the video’s age restricted and can only be seen on YouTube. But it’s title is ‘Nigerian Reacts to SHOCKING TRUTH about Slavery’.