Posts Tagged ‘Nicholas Coombes’

‘Femalist’ Campaigner against Trans Ideology Kellie-Jay also Stand as Candidate in Bristol Central

June 9, 2024

The local online newspaper, Bristol Live, has published this story by Phoebe Hobbs, reporting that Kellie-Jay Keen, the founder of the Party of Women, has announced that she also intends as a candidate for her party in Bristol Central. The article runs

Activist Kellie-Jay Keen announces she is running for Bristol Central

Activist Kellie-Jay Keen – also known as Posie Parker – has announced that she is running for Bristol Central in the upcoming general election. Keen will be the new constituency’s Party of Women candidate, a party which she also founded.

The women’s rights campaigner announced her candidacy in a video posted yesterday on Facebook. She said: “I am pleased to announce that I went along to the office today and handed in my nominations and I have been accepted and I am valid as a candidate in Bristol Central.”

She went on to say: “I thought I’d tell you now, I am pleased to say that we have many candidates for Party of Women.”

She also announced she will be holding a rally in Bristol on Tuesday, July 2. Keen will be running against Reform UK’s Robert Clarke, the Liberal Democrats‘ Nicholas Coombes, Labour’s Thangam Debbonaire, The Green’s Carla Denyer, and the Conservative’s Samuel Williams.

The General Election takes place on Thursday, July 4.’


Keen’s a controversial figure, even among people who agree with her anti-trans views. She finances her campaigning, which has taken her across the world to America, New Zealand and Switzerland through her merchandising. Thus, her videos very frequently start with her showing off and trying to sell her latest creations to her viewers. Some of the readers of this blog therefore, not unreasonably, regard her as a grifter. She used to live in Bristol until she moved away, and now, I believe, lives in Wiltshire.

She has said on her videos that she doesn’t really believe she’ll win a place in Westminster. What she wants to do instead is use her position as a parliamentary candidate to raise awareness of the negative aspects of the trans ideology and movement. She can’t do this as an ordinary citizens, as she’s either silenced by the mainstream media or misrepresented as an evil bigot. Part of her plan to turn the trans debate into an election issue is simply by talking to the other candidates about it and questioning them on it.

She had talked before about standing up against various other political candidates, such as Keir Starmer and Eddie Izzard. This hasn’t happened. I thought she’d stand somewhere, but didn’t think it would be Bristol. As I blogged yesterday, Bristol Central is also being contested by Carla Denyer, the female half of the Greens’ joint leadership. On the BBC page explaining who she, and her male counterpart, is, she is described as proudly bisexual/pansexual and LGBTQ rights campaigner, if I remember correctly. I suspect this means that she also has strong pro-trans views, given the Scots Greens strong espousal of the issue and the almost universal support for it from the mainstream gay organisations like Stonewall. This could make for a very interesting debate about this issue between these two very strong, intelligent women.