Posts Tagged ‘Cease Fire’

Stop the War Coalition on Forthcoming Demos and Events Against Genocide in Gaza

May 25, 2024

Newsletter – 24/05/24

Putting Anti-War Politics on the Election Agenda

With an election taking place in the midst of Israel’s genocide in Gaza and both major parties wedded to policies of war it’s vital that our movement does all it can to put anti-war politics on the election agenda. Calling for an end to the arming of Israel and a commitment to halting proposed increases in defence spending are the very minimum we should be asking of any prospective candidates in this election. That’s why we’re going to be supporting Jeremy Corbyn in Islington North and other candidates that stand for peace and for a ceasefire in Gaza. 

Keep an eye out for a list of demands we’ll be making for candidates. In the meantime, we are asking our local groups to set up hustings meetings for local candidates can be cross examined on their position on Gaza, militarism and arms spending. 

We need to make sure that this election does not detract from months of resolute campaigning across the country. The politicians want us to stop talking about Gaza and take the focus away from Israel’s genocide. We can’t let them do that. That’s why there’s going to be another mass demonstration in London on Sat 8 June. Make sure you’re doing all you can to organise and mobilise for it.

This week has seen some important victories for the movement. It began with the news that the ICC has issued a warrant for the arrest of Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant for war crimes – a decision which could also implicate British government figures. This was followed by an announcement that Ireland, Norway, and Spain are to recognise a Palestinian state next week – an important political move which further isolates Israel internationally.

In the UK, a jubilant crowd greeted the High Court decision to prevent the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States. We continue to call for the extradition to be abandoned completely. Another legal challenge at the High Court by Liberty saw the quashing of a law which lowered the threshold on protest clampdowns to anything that caused ‘more than minor’ disturbance. Solidarity to all those involved in both campaigns.

National Demonstration for Palestine – Sat 8 June

Date Change! Why War, Peace & Palestine Are Trade Union Issues

Due to a clash with the National Demonstration for Palestine on 8 June we are moving our Trade Union Conference to the following day at a different venue. All other details remain the same and we are working hard to confirm the full current line-up of speakers as well as hopefully a few more additions.

Many of the speakers, including Chris Smalls, Andrew Feinstein and Emma Rose (NEU) are already confirmed. We’re looking forward to an excellent conference focused on building the anti-war movement in the workplace. Make sure to get your branch to support the conference and send a delegation.

The new details are as follows: Sun 9th June, 10.00am (for a 10.30 start)-4.30pm @ ITF House, 49-60 Borough Road, London, SE1 1DR.

Register Here

I came across a video on YouTube about Ireland’s decision to support Palestine. It’s title said that anti-imperialism was part of Irish culture, hence their support for a Palestinian state against Israeli aggression. And their right. I’ve come across attacks on the British Empire on the internet by Irish nationalists. The great Irish nationalist hero, Roger Casement, was originally an imperial functionary. He turned against British imperialism because of the Pernambuco scandal, where South American Indians were enslaved and exploited by British rubber firms.