Posts Tagged ‘Richard Boyd-~Barrett’

Stop the War Coalition Events This Weekend

January 20, 2024

This is a bit late, I’m afraid, but it might still be useful to people.

Newsletter – 19/01/23

🇵🇸 Keep Up The Pressure ✊

Thousands of people up and down the country, in our towns and our cities, will be taking action this weekend (Sat 20/Sun 21) to demand that Israel stops bombing Gaza and for a full and permanent ceasefire. They will also call for an end to the UK and US bombing campaign on Yemen.

At least 40 events, from Birmingham to Brighton, Newcastle to Nottingham, Sheffield to Southampton and many more, along with several areas of London. They include a march and rally in Birmingham, where former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, rapper and activist Lowkey and StWC’s John Rees are among the speakers.

Several demonstrations have been organised in London boroughs, including Acton, Lewisham, Lambeth and Southwark, and through east London. And at Twickenham Stadium in west London, peace campaigners will be leafleting in protest at the armoured vehicles fair being held there.

Chris Nineham, StWC vice chair said: “The local and regional actions strengthen the national movement and it is really important that they keep happening, that our voices are heard not just in Parliament and Downing Street, but in our town and city halls, in town squares, and by our local elected representatives. Our message to them this weekend will be: if you don’t call for a ceasefire, you won’t get our vote.”

Find Your Local Action

Anti-War Convention: Stop Bombing Gaza! Stop Bombing Yemen!

As well as causing almost unimaginable horror for the Palestinians, Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza is destabilising the whole of the Middle East. Israeli politicians are themselves saying they are fighting wars on seven fronts. The UK and the US have started attacking Yemen. The risk of a war drawing in the whole of the Middle East is growing daily.

Next Sunday’s Anti-War Convention will bring together key activists and experts to assess the grave situation and discuss how we can strengthen the movement in support of the Palestinians and against a wider war.

Speakers include Daniel Kebede (NEU Gen Sec), writer and academic Ghada Kharmi, StWC’s John Rees, Claudia Webbe MP, Richard Boyd-Barrett (Irish TD), Andrew Feinstein (Shadow World) and more to be announced.

Click Here to RSVP

Watch: Why Palestine Is A Trade Union Issue

We had over 400 people join us for our discussion on why Palestine is a Trade Union issue on Wednesday. Our thanks to a brilliant line-up of speakers who gave us plenty of food for thought and action – watch it back and share above.

Together with the much improved Trade Union Bloc turn-out at the most recent national demonstration it appears there is a fresh momentum behind the trade union Palestine solidarity movement and it’s vital we build on that.

The best possible opportunity for doing that is on the 7th Feb when StWC and CND are calling on all those in work, college or university to #StandWithGaza by organising a walkout, lunchtime or early morning protest (or other collective action) calling for our government to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire.

This week the NEU Exec has committed to building for the day and sending guidance to all its members on actions they can take. They join the UCU in doing so and we hope other unions will follow suit. Every collective act, big or small, sends a message to those who are suffering in Gaza that we are with them and puts pressure on our government to call on the Israeli government to stop bombing Gaza. Get organised in your workplace and #StandWithGaza on 7th Feb!

Please email plans, questions or suggestions for the day to

#StandWithGaza on 7 Feb