Posts Tagged ‘Peter Bone’

38 Degrees Petition to Clean Up Culture of Sexual Harassment and Bullying in Parliament

October 27, 2023

This email contains references to sexual assault and harassment

Dear David,

Last night an MP, Crispin Blunt, was arrested on suspicion of rape and possession of controlled substances. [1] One day after another MP, Peter Bone, was suspended for 6 weeks after a report found he had been sexually inappropriate and bullying. [2] But education secretary Gillian Keegan insists there is “no cultural problem.” [3]

Over 80,000 of us disagree and have signed the petition demanding action to clean up the toxic culture in Westminster. [4] But you haven’t yet, David. The news of Crispin Blunt’s actions is all over the headlines, so politicians will be feeling even more hit than usual – especially if thousands more of us speak out.

David, will you sign and share the petition calling for more to be done to clean up the House of Commons to make it a safe place for everyone? It takes 30 seconds to add your name, and then you can share with 5 people to help us get to 100,000 signatures.



Thanks for being involved,

Grace, Jonathan, Megan, Anna and the 38 Degrees team

[1] BBC News: MP Crispin Blunt arrested on suspicion of rape 
[2] BBC News: Peter Bone: Abuse by MP left me broken, former aide says 
[3] The Independent: Tory MP Crispin Blunt arrested on suspicion of rape and possession of drugs 
[4] 38 Degrees: Clean up the toxic culture of harassment in Westminster 

PS: In case you missed it, here’s the earlier email we sent:

Dear David,

Today, MPs will be voting on whether or not to suspend their colleague, Peter Bone. An investigation found the MP had bullied, harassed and was sexually inappropriate around a former member of his staff. [1]

It’s not just Peter Bone. In June, MP Geraint Davies was accused of multiple incidents of inappropriate behaviour towards junior female colleagues. [2] And these two names are just the tip of the iceberg. [3] The toxic culture in the House of Commons needs to be cleaned up.

That’s where we come in, David. Over 78,000 people have already signed the petition demanding action, but if we want them to listen we need to do more. [4] And while the news of Peter Bone’s actions are all over the headlines, politicians will be feeling the hit than usual – especially if thousands more of us speak out.

Will you sign and share the petition calling on more to be done to clean up the House of Commons and make it a safe place to work for everyone? It takes 30 seconds to add your name, and then you can share with 5 people to help us get to 100,000 signatures.



Thanks for being involved,

Grace, David, Megan, Kate and the 38 Degrees team

[1] BBC News: Peter Bone: Abuse by MP left me broken, former aide says 
[2] Politico: Labour MP accused of sexually harassing junior colleagues 
[3] BBC News: Report highlights work culture at heart of UK establishment
The Times: Sir Chris Bryant says he has been assaulted by five MPs (paywall)
Politico: Westminster’s Unwanted: All the UK MPs suspended by their parties since 2019 
[4] 38 Degrees: Clean up the toxic culture of harassment in Westminster