Cartoon Against Ultra-Zionist Inquisition

Here’s another bit of art I’ve made. This time it’s a cartoon lambasting the current purging of left-wingers in the Labour party, and particularly those critical of Israel, all under the pretence that it’s about combating anti-Semitism. It isn’t. It’s Starmer, Evans and the Blairite right trying to silence and expel anyone who stand up from real socialism and decries the Israeli state’s persecution of the Palestinians. And there’s more than a bit of anti-Semitism in it. Jewish Voice for Labour only the other day submitted a report to the Forde Inquiry and the Equalities of Human Rights Commission pointing out that four-fifths of those purged have been Jewish, and Jews are more than 300 times more like than gentiles to be smeared as anti-Semites and purged.

I realise that there’s no better way to flatten a joke than to explain it, but to make sure there are no misunderstandings, this is what it all stands for. This is my particular view of what is going on, and in my opinion what is going on is comparable to a medieval inquisition by the Blairites on behalf of the Israeli state. The figures in Klan robes represent just such bigoted, inquisitorial justice. I chose their robes rather than the real costume of the Holy Office or Spanish Inquisition because they are more recognisable but have the same religious overtones in my view. David Evans, who is charge of this perverted kangaroo court justice, also wears them. This is because I regard him as chief inquisitor. I am not saying that he is personally anti-Semitic, although the witch hunt over which he presides certainly is. In my opinion, that is.

The figures at the bottom are supposed to be Jackie Walker, Tony Greenstein and Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi, who represents Jewish Voice for Labour. They are all Jewish. Walker and Greenstein have been purged as part of this witch-hunt. I think Wimborne-Idrissi is still a member, but she and her organisation of real Jews have suffered the same accusations of anti-Semitism. Grotty individuals like Neil Coyle have tweeted demanding JVL’s expulsion along with other ‘commies’. And before anyone claims that it’s anti-Semitic because it attacks Zionism, Zionism has never been solely a Jewish movement. It arose in the 19th century among Christians, who wanted the Jews to return to Palestine in order to hasten Christ’s return. It has also been popular amongst real anti-Semites, like the composer Richard Wagner. Wagner had Jewish friends, but he wanted the Jews to move back to Palestine so Germany would be rid of them. See Karl Dietrich Bracher, The German Dictatorship. And as I’ve said very many times, in terms of membership the biggest Zionist organisation in America is Pastor Ted Hagee’s Christians United for Israel. I’d also like to point out that I do respect the opinion of left-wing Zionists, who believe in Israel but want humane treatment for the Palestinians. I should really have called it ‘the ultra-Zionist inquisition’, but this is too much of a mouthful.

And finally, the caption is, of course, a parody of the famous Monty Python sketch. Unfortunately the inquisition in the Labour party isn’t offering anybody comfy chairs Except, of course, for the backsides of those in charge of this corrupt, compromised ‘justice’.

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