This St. George’s Day, It’s the Tories Who Are the Real Enemies of the Patriotic Working Class (Of All Ethnicities)

It was St George’s Day yesterday, the day dedicated to England’s patron saint. There were parades in various parts of the country. I think most of the time these went very well, except in London where the right-wing demonstrators were involved in clashes with the police. They’ve been claiming on the net that, contrary to what the Met police have been tweeting, ’twas the cops that started it. Given that the Met police also have form starting fights with some left-wing protesters, such as during the Poll Tax riots back in the ’90s and against the miners during the miners’ strike, I can also believe that they may have started by attacking the rightists, even if I don’t agree with the protesters’ views.

The day was also accompanied by various bods arguing whether or not it should be celebrated on GB News and elsewhere. Femi Oluwalde popped up on GB News a day or so ago to argue against displaying the flag of St George because of England’s history in the slave trade and colonisation, while ignoring the fact that other countries also were involved in this long before England. But it also reminded me how the Tories under Maggie Thatcher draped themselves in the mantle of British patriotism. The 1987 general election featured Battle of Britain Spitfires zooming around the sky while an excited voice declared ‘It’s great to be great again!’ And there was a headline in the Torygraph quoting Maggie as saying, ‘Don’t call them boojwah, call them British!’ Well, it’s nearly forty years later, and there’s precious little great about Britain. Oh yes, I’ve seen the headlines announcing that Britain is the second most powerful country, but

1. Our public utilities are owned by foreigners,

2. An ever increasing number of working people are suffering real poverty, resorting to food banks because their not getting the welfare benefits they need, or their wages are too low to cover the costs of food and/or heating.

3. The NHS and dental services are being decimated due to Tory underfunding and privatisation. As a result, many people are pulling out their own teeth because of shortages of NHS dentists.

4. Rishi Sunak and the rest of his party of knaves and brigands has announced they’re going to stop GPs giving people sicknotes and cut Personal Independence Payments, because Tory ideology and the Heil say that everyone on benefits is a scrounger and malingerer.

5. Meanwhile, the Tory party is more than happy to received dodgy donations from the mega rich while doing their level best to reduce genuine democratic accountability by placing restrictions on the Electoral Commission.

6. And then there’s the issue of the Tories’ own personal corruption. Rishi Sunak has given public monies to his wife’s companies, the party also gave PPE contracts, for equipment that didn’t work, to companies with which they were personally linked, and BoJob handing out a computer contract to the woman with whom he was having an affair.

I also wonder about their personal commitment to this country and its people. Sunak, before he got the go-ahead for his political ambitions, was all set to get his green card and emigrate to America. Boris Johnson was born in America, and although he also became Prime Minister, showed precious little interest in actually doing the job of governing. He didn’t turn up to the COBRA meetings about Covid, and seemed to spend every available moment either off home for the weekend or having a holiday. He fancies himself as a statesman in the mould of Churchill, but his aptitude and abilities are, whatever we make of Winnie, in no way comparable.

I see precious little genuine patriotism amongst the Tories.

They have consistently betrayed the interests of this country and its great working people, of all ethnicities, while declaring the opposite.

They represent solely the interests of the global rich, and are impoverishing ordinary Brits in order to give vast tax cuts to their corporate paymasters.

Whatever party you decide to vote for, get them out at the next election!

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3 Responses to “This St. George’s Day, It’s the Tories Who Are the Real Enemies of the Patriotic Working Class (Of All Ethnicities)”

  1. Mark Pattie Says:

    What the heck exactly were those “so-called patriots”- in reality, Robinson/BF-supporting hooligans- marching *for*? Free Carlsberg? If these right-wing Belfields (yes I am referencing the now-jailed “celebrity radio” shock jock here) wanted to see real patriotism, they’ve only got to wait 6 weeks and then you’ve got the D-Day 80 commemorations. I wonder whether a certain right-wing historian has put out a vid supporting these people?!

    • beastrabban Says:

      I don’t think you need to do a lot of thinking about the reasons for the march. Part of it is probably the feeling that everyone else is allowed to celebrate their national identity except the English. I think there’s something to this, especially with the reports of various left-wing councils ordering people to take down the flag of St. George and/or the Union flag. And GB News had on Femi Oluwalde and Naurindar Kaur arguing that the flag of St. George is somehow racist. But it’s almost certainly against non-White immigration and them Muslims taking over London, meaning the pro-Palestinian protests. Because the right is framing these protests as an attempt by Muslim supremacists to dominate the streets and enforce sharia law.

      I think the English should be able to celebrate St. George’s Day as much as the Irish do St. Pat’s, the Welsh St. David’s and the Scots St. Andrews. As for racism, a year or so ago Kent put on an inclusive St. George’s Day parade which included people of different ethnicities and races marching. But I don’t doubt that the mob in London the other day were fans of Tommy Robinson and probably Alex Belfield. I don’t think a certain right-wing non-historian has put out anything about it, as his last video, or one of his alst videos, was about Greenwich Museum peddling racist fake history.

  2. Mark Pattie Says:

    I think most of these marchers were probably of the same ilk (if not the same people) as those who went on the “Free Tommy Robinscum” and “Day for Freedom” marches orchestrated by Adolf von Batten back in 2019- as a certain formerly-Crewe-based-blogger of our acquaintance refers to him.

    It is rather hypocritical that the anti-refugee Right-wing types in Reform are so against pro-ceasefire protesters, because A) many of them were the most ardent critics of old Johnson’s lockdown policies, and B) this wretched war in Gaza will only lead to *more* wretchedly poor refugees coming over here in small boats!

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