Stop the War Coalition: March in Scotland, Workplace Day of Action and Support for Corbyn

All the good stuff!

Newsletter – 14/06/24

Scotland Is on the March for Gaza

Thousands are set to descend on Glasgow from across Scotland tomorrow to march for Gaza. Demonstrators will be calling for an end to Israel’s genocide and calling on the British government to end its ongoing arming of the apartheid state. It’s imperative that in the middle of this election campaign the movement in Scotland shows its power and determination.

Stop the War’s Convenor, Lindsey German, will be amongst the speakers including Humza Yousaf, Aamer Anwar and STUC Deputy Gen Sec, Linda Somerville. Don’t miss this vital demonstration if you’re in or close to Scotland.

StWC Scotland National Demonstration: Free Palestine – Stop Arming


Saturday 15 June – 10.30am

Assemble: Glasgow Green

Called by: Stop the War Scotland & Scottish CND



Aberdeen, Dundee, Perth

27 June – Workplace Day of Action: Don’t Vote for Genocide

We’re in the throes of a general election and Israel’s continued genocide in Gaza is very much on the ballot paper. UK arms sales to Israel, the continuing war in Ukraine, the drive for more military spending, and the increasingly dangerous world we live in must all be central to the campaign.

Solidarity with Gaza is key to defeating the warmongers’ agenda so we’ve called a Workplace Day of Action on Thurs 27 June to raise the anti-war voice in the run up to the election. We’re encouraging all our activists and local groups to get involved on the day by joining or organising their own local action or protest.

Ideas & Info for 27 June

Vote Corbyn in Islington North

Stop the War urges voters in Islington North, to vote for Jeremy and ensure his return to parliament as a champion of their community, and, for those fighting for peace and justice around the world.

Are you able to help Stop the War’s support for Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign on the ground? Over the next couple of weeks we will be organising teams to join Team Corbyn as they go out and canvas for Jeremy’s campaign.

The sessions will be running throughout the day, every day of the week so if you are free to get involved please get back to us and we’ll send over times and meeting points. If you can’t get to London but would still like to help out we can also send you remote phone banking details.

Get Involved in Jeremy’s Campaign

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