Reform Party Video Showing Their Ethnic Minority Candidates

This comes from the Poppy Demon Hunter TV YouTube channel, and is a response by Reform to the accusation that they’re all racist and bigots. It shows the various Black and Asian candidates their field for the election. There’s also a lot of rhetoric there about the party standing up for ordinary people, supporting small businesses against big business and so on. I absolutely don’t believe of word of that nonsense. They’re basically hard-right Tories who wish to privatise the NHS, destroy the welfare state and our civil rights, and give even more power and profits to big business at the expense of everyone else. But I honestly don’t think they’re racist, or at least, not on the official level. I’m putting this video up because I feel I have to be fair.

Years ago the Independent did an article investigating whether Reform’s predecessor, UKIP, really was as racist as its reputation claimed. Their journo found a shop in Whitby which sold anti-EU merchandising, including T-shirts showing a British bulldog with a torn EU flag in its jaws. But instead of being run by skinheads, the shopkeepers were a very nice Asian couple. They were Ugandan Asians, who were grateful to this country for taking them in after they were expelled by that monster Idi Amin.

I’m very much aware of the scandals about racism in UKIP’s and Reform’s past, and the fact that they’ve just sacked two of their candidates for racism. I’m very definitely not trying to promote them, as I do see them as a threat to this country and its citizens. But I do want to be fair to them on this issue.

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2 Responses to “Reform Party Video Showing Their Ethnic Minority Candidates”

  1. Jim Round Says:

    I don’t believe that all Reform candidates/members or voters are racist, just as it was with UKIP, some wanted out of The EU for genuine reasons, unfortunately the party attracted people who were racist, look at what is now left of UKIP.

    I would however ask any persons reading this who are Reform members/would be members or voters to ask their local candidate/organiser:

    Why are Reform set up as a Ltd company?

    If Nigel Farage eventually decides to step down as leader, how is a new leader voted for?

    How do I have a say in Reform party policies, do I get to vote on them or put ideas forward.

    If Donald Trump asks Nigel Farage for any future assistance, will he still be representing Clacton constituents if he is elected as an MP?

    How can I trust Nigel Farage to not only represent Clacton constituents (for Clacton residents) but also attend parliament due to his past record as an MEP?

    Are a company similar to SCL/Cambridge Analytica currently helping Reform to manipulate social media like what happened during the EU referendum?

    According to Companies House, the last filed accounts for Reform shows a loss, but Nigel Farage’s Thorn In The Side shows a profit, where is that money going and where is it coming from?

    If any Reform voters/members can honestly answer this, I would be very interested.

    I also have more questions to follow.

  2. Jim Round Says:

    As an additional question, Farage used to state that he was a Christian, but has now given up on Church going because of “Woke Agendas” (There was me thinking that Christ’s teachings were against injustices)

    I wonder if he would like to discuss things with the writer of this blog:

    I doubt it.

    I did post questions on Nigel Farage’s former press secretary Michael Heaver’s YouTube Channel, for some reason my comment was deleted.

    I always thought Reform were big on Free Speech.

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