Depress in Desperate Attempt to Accuse Bargain Hunt Presenter of D-Day Disrespect

All the Tory press are attacking the Beeb. This is partly because of its embrace of ‘wokeness’ and identitarian politics in some of its materials, but also because they want the Beeb privatised and replaced by a commercial broadcaster, preferably one owned by Murdoch. As part of this campaign, the Depress tried casting aspersions on Bargain Hunt antiques expert and presenter Danny Sebastian. If you’ve never seen it, Bargain Hunt is a show where two teams of two people each go round trying to buy three antiques in an hour. They are then sold at auction with a bonus buy, which may or may not be accepted by the teams. The winner is whoever has made the most money. Or, more often, has made the least loss. Helping them are two antiques experts, one per team, who give them advice. These change from programme to programme, though they are, of course, regulars on the show. Danny Sebastian is one of them. He’s a tall Black guy, who sports a bowler hat and neckerchief. He’s got a kind of ‘artful dodger’ vibe about it. But a few days ago, the show did a special for D-Day. And Sebastian committed terrible disrespect. The paper described three complaints about his behaviour, probably from somewhere online. What had he done? Well, nothing very much. I honestly can’t remember what two of them said because it was so inconsequential. The one I do remember was simply that he should shut up because he was talking too much.

It’s all very, very desperate. But as the election looms, we can look forward to rags like the Depress trying to find any kind of fault with the Beeb so they can rile their troops up with accusations of left-wing bias.

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