IDS and Armed Bodyguards: No-One Trusts the Man who Trusts No-One

Mike and several of the commenters over at Vox Political have commented on IDS’ evident paranoia and fear of the public as he appeared before the parliamentary Work and Pension’s Committee. Not only did he have a bodyguard, but was also surrounded by several armed policemen. Martha, one of the people in the public gallery, describes the scene:

‘ Hi Mike, I attended the DWP hearing on Monday, IDS didn’t just have a body guard he had several ‘policemen’ with machine guns, maybe 3 or 4 at least. I didn’t dare to count them as it was frightening and it seemed best to ignore them for obvious reasons. The machine guns were raised and pointed at our group which included 3 people in wheelchairs and about 8 disabled and mentally ill people with their carers. We had all been security checked, bags searched and x-rayed, frisked and had walked through an airport style metal detector. We posed no risk or threat and it is quite normal for the general public to attend debates and hearings in the House of Commons, in fact MPs generally like our presence and encourage us, often coming over to meet us and shake our hands. Is it now acceptable to point guns at the general public when they attend the House of Commons? Who do we complain to?’

As several of the other commenters, including myself, have remarked, such paranoia clearly shows that IDS knows the immense suffering his policies are causing, and fears the rage and possible reprisals from the general public. Even so, such behaviour is still bizarre coming from an MP. I can quite believe Martha when she says that most MPs generally welcome the public to the Houses of Parliament. Politicians across the political divide are worried about increasing electoral apathy and the falling turn-out at elections. Hence the many campaigns by politicos to appeal to the ‘Yoof’ vote. They are also, by and large, conscious that for democracy to work, it has to be seen to work and have the active interest of the people on whose behalf they govern. And finally, like any enthusiastic follower of a particular career or vocation, they, or at least the good ones, try to communicate their enthusiasm for politics to the general public. hence the appearance of politicians and political writers and journalists at the various literary festivals up and down the country. It also has to be said that even politicians, who have advocated some terrible policies towards the poor, could actually be very kind and courteous in person.

IDS, by contrast, seems deeply suspicious and mean-spirited. And you have to wonder what he thought he had to fear from people, who’d gone through the usual security searches. Did he get some kind of craven, bullying pleasure by having armed goons point guns at the mentally and physically disabled and vulnerable? And what on Earth were the police doing, if they were pointing their guns at people? There has been considerable criticism of our armed officers before, most notably after the horrific shooting of Charles Menezes. I can remember reading comments from officers in the British army, who had served in Northern Ireland. They were very definitely not impressed by the coppers’ trigger-happy attitude and the way they carried their weapons. In Ulster it was standard practice to carry guns sloping down, with the squaddies’ hands in a posture so they could be immediately ready to bring the gun up if attacked. This was intended to prevent provoking confrontation through the public reacting to a raised weapon as a deadly threat. If the British army, which really did face deadly attacks from terrorist groups in Northern Ireland, is capable of carrying its arms in order to reassure the public and avoid conflict, then the question must be asked why IDS thought he was so important and so threatened that he had guns raised? It gives another clue as to why the man probably failed his officers’ exams. Clearly his judgement when it was appropriate to use deadly force, and when not, was lacking, with the result that he would place himself and the men under his command in serious danger.

Someone once said that ‘No-one trusts the man, who trusts no-one’. Smith has shown himself deeply untrustworthy through this show of excessive force. The attitude behind it is one of suspicion and contempt for the general public and especially the poor, unemployed and disabled he has penalised and victimised with his policies. Going into the Committee chamber surrounded by armed guards like the Fascist generalissimo of a banana republic, he is a contemptible petty tyrant, who has therefore shown himself totally unsuited for public office.

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75 Responses to “IDS and Armed Bodyguards: No-One Trusts the Man who Trusts No-One”

  1. stilloaks Says:

    Reblogged this on Still Oaks and commented:
    Now we know why he claims for underwear in his expenses allowance.

  2. Mike Sivier Says:

    Reblogged this on Vox Political.

  3. Deaep Leicester Says:

    I was there also with Jayne Linney and found it really strange how scared IDS and his group were of a group of disabled people and their carers. Maybe it was because the press were there that IDS needed to make a point of how inaccessible he and his department really are.

  4. joshuachristian19691 Says:

    Reblogged this on THE SIEGE OF BRITAIN and commented:
    This is the sign of things to come, as in the film “V for Vendetta” when the Prime Minister becomes High Chancellor and the Police become armed. As in one of my previous posts WELCOME TO THE FASCIST STATE OF GREAT BRITAIN!

  5. Alan Says:

    If truth be known they are all running scared, this was but an open display of one MP that showed his fear. I am sure that cabinet ministers do not shake the publics hand, but would rather cut it off. Democrasy does not exist, on autocrasy, the latter masking itself as the former. Unless something favours government it is not adopted, even by protests by members of the public. What government is worried about is personal interest, that one party may not be voted into power, so letting the side down, breaking the system of first nag past the post. The establishment are running scared because it fears that people will continue to vote with their feet, sending out the loudest of all votes, one of no confidence in the establisment, which puts the establishments nose out of joint.

  6. samedifference1 Says:

    Reblogged this on Same Difference.

  7. Fauziah Petra Court aka Aelfy Petra Nightentity on FB Says:

    An overt threat perhaps? IE ‘ See what an important man I am,and how worthless you benefits scroungers are’. Or am I just being paranoid?

  8. leonc1963 Says:

    Reblogged this on Diary of an SAH Stroke Survivor.

  9. beastrabban Says:

    You’ve certainly got a point there, Joshua. Deaep, IDS appearance with his armed goons is even more bizarre given the presence of the gentlemen of the fourth estate. And I really wonder what there reaction to Smith’s display of force was. I can remember years ago when Major and Blair blocked demonstrations from Downing Street, and started to impose increasing restrictions on demonstrations in general. There was an outcry in at least some parts of the press, like the Independent, at the attempt to limit one of the fundamental rights of democratic society. The same commenters in the press were also worried that it also signalled a widening gulf between MPs and the people they governed. They resided in splendid isolation in Westminster, deliberately cut off from any opposing viewpoints.

    IDS and his armed guards also mark a profound change in British attitudes to the presence of military force in government. One of the reasons why Fascism never became a mass movement in this country is because traditionally the British people have had little respect for military dictators. One writer, whom Orwell had criticised for his portrayal of continental Fascists as buffoons, defended his views by saying that he did so because the Fascists were ridiculous, with their silly uniforms and mass parades and rallies. It was all something so profoundly against British tradition and the national character that we were entirely right to laugh at them. And so we are, although we always have to recognise that there is real horror and brutality underneath their ridiculous exterior. One of the things that drove Mussolini absolutely crazy was when the British press compared him to the Latin American dictators.

    Furthermore, historically the British have regarded displays of armed force by politicians as dangerous to traditional British constitutional liberty. There was considerable opposition to standing armies in the 18th century, as these were seen as the marks of continental, absolutists tyrants incompatible with British constitutional monarchy, limited government and the rule of law. Many of our institutions are specifically designed so that, in theory, they cannot be used to establish a militaristic tyranny, whether by an absolutist crown or a dictator like Cromwell. The reason why the country’s police are split into so many different, regional forces is so that they cannot combine together to form a threat to civil government. Yet IDS clearly believes that there is nothing potentially dangerous to the British constitution in him parading around parliament with an armed guard.

    Let’s be clear about this. This shows a fundamental change in the attitude of the authorities to the public and displays of force. Before the IRA began its mainland bombing campaign in the 1970s, politicians walked around with a lack of security precautions and personnel that can appear quite astonishing today; With the assassination of leading politicians like Airey Neave and the Brighton bomb, politicos were absolutely correct in fearing for their lives and increasing their security. However, IDS was not in Northern Ireland. Nor were they members of any extremist Islamist organisation. The people in the audience were ordinary members of the general public and had passed through the security checks. IDS therefore had absolutely no reason to fear for his personal safety. That he apparently does indicates not only that he knows the rage and despair his policies are causing, but also the profound contempt for the civil foundations of the British constitution. He clearly believes that military force and its display is entirely compatible with the process of government.

    And that presents a grave and present threat to our liberties. We need a government that respects us as the people from whom all political authority is derived, as laid out in the 17th century by John Locke. We don’t need another politician like Moseley and his Blackshirts, who wish to pose with weapons and rule by force.

  10. goggzilla Says:

    Not just Tories. In 1999 I attended a meeting with Clare Short and asked politely about Tibet and Peking’s genocide. A special branch goon came up and photographed me. My pal (from Belarus) said even in her country that does not happen.

    • beastrabban Says:

      That’s extremely disturbing, Goggzilla. Lukashenko’s Belarus is one of the very worst places in Europe for human rights’ abuses. It’s been described as the last Soviet dictatorship, and as I’m sure you know, there’s more than a little truth in it. Lukashenko has retained all the institutions of Soviet rule, including Russian, rather than Belorussian, as the country’s official language. Several of his critics in the press have vanished or been murdered. The fact that special branch openly photograph members of the public asking perfectly legitimate questions of their democratically elected representatives in a way that Lukashenko’s thugs wouldn’t, does seem to show that the British state has a pernicious suspicion of its own citizens. From what I’ve read about the KGB, they weren’t anxious to hide their identity. Colin Thubron in his travel book, Among the Russians, says that the KGB, or at least their civilian volunteers, really could be easily spotted because of their clothes: fedora hats and white trenchcoats. I’m sure their modern counterparts are just as conspicuous in modern Belorus. The KGB never took great pains to hide their presence among the crowds in Russian demonstrations as they wanted to show they were present, and independent the protestors and demonstrators. So I’m sure you’re friends right when he said that incidents like that you’ve described wouldn’t occur in Belorus is very likely right. If they were doing something similar, then they certainly would have been seen. We really do need to start watching the security forces very closely.

      • goggzilla Says:

        Vitayu! Belarussian is close to Russian and only spoken in rural areas now. I saw no aggro from KBD when I was in Minsk 2005. Admittedly I was not doing anything against Lukashenko. UK (in) security forces;)

    • The Law Says:

      What’s Tibet got to do with you or anybody else from a nation that repeatedly invaded, raped and pillaged China? When it comes to sanctimonious self righteous hypocrisy, you can’t beat the Brits. For Tibet read Northern Ireland, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Kenya (Mau Mau)……the list is endless and continues to be added too.

  11. Florence Says:

    IDS is a very sick man. He is getting more dangerous, as his apparent paranoia leads to being seen with armed police with their guns raised, pointing a pre-searched waiting public. I will be writing to my MP about this. We cannot allow a single politician to spearhead this type of fascistic show of guns to people, those going about an office block to do entirely lawful business.

    Raising the spectre of the parallels with the Nazis in the 20’s and 30’s has become almost tired, hackneyed, but in this case most valid. In any dictatorship or tyranny, there is always one – such as Himmler – who are more feared, even by their peers. They are the ones with the goon squads, loyal followers in the police & military. I hope the British tommy has more sense than apparently whoever is on control of the armed teams in Westminster. He’s just got to go.

    • beastrabban Says:

      I just found the entry ‘Leibwache’, ‘Bodyguard’, in A Dictionary of the Third Reich, by James Taylor and Warren Shaw (London: Grafton 1988):

      ‘In the violent politics of the Weimar Republic, many (perhaps most) political leaders employed bodyguards (Leibwache). Hitler’s Leibwache developed into the SS Stabwache and later still into the Stosstruppe, before its final manifestation as the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, a full-sized bodyguard regiment’. This certainly seems to describe IDS’ descent into adopting displays of armed force as part of politics. Since the 1930s it’s been illegal for British political parties to wear uniforms. This was done to outlaw the type of paramilitary organisations that formed the heart of the Fascist parties on the Continent. IDS isn’t wearing a black or brown shirt just yet, but he certainly seems to share the Fascists’ paramilitary mentality and approach to politics.

  12. nearlydead Says:

    Reblogged this on nearlydead.

  13. Guy Ropes Says:

    Seriously, one wonders what would have happened if IDS had been “Murdoched” with a flan. Once upon a time there was many a man with a flan plan – I think the guns may have scared them away. We must rely on our words.

    • beastrabban Says:

      Given the serious incidents in which armed police officers have opened fire and killed innocent people, whom they’ve suspected of carrying guns, I’d imagine that they’d automatically open fire. They’d then claim at the enquiry that they were merely responding to what they thought was the suspect going for a gun. Of course if something like that had occurred, then there would probably be a massive outcry and demands for IDS to be dismissed, the officers responsible to be tried for murder and the methods governing armed policemen guarding MPs to be revised. But not before legislation was passed banning the public from attending further committee meetings, on the pretext that it was to protect them and MPs by making sure that such events could never occur again.

    • Florence Says:

      Or maybe re-introduce the trebuchet for flan delivery? I understand they can fling a distance of 200ft with weights of up to 250 lb. One big flan, might even take out the goons if enough goo is used.

      • beastrabban Says:

        There were a couple of blokes, who made one. They used to show it off at various fairs and festivals. Among the objects they’ve thrown with it are pianos and dead pigs, which, according to them, are very aerodynamic. Though God alone knows what Tory Central Office would make of incoming flying pigs coming at them!

      • Florence Says:

        beastrabban – I would expect Tory Central to react to flying pigs as usual – that’ll be the delivery of their next election manifesto showing how they care for us all. Plus perhaps the Vatican news the IDS has been beatified for his work with the poor and destitute?

      • beastrabban Says:

        Well, he has done his level best to make sure there are even more of the poor and wretched. So, he has done a lot for them, in pretty much the same way Jack the Ripper did much for the prostitutes of the East End of the London.

        As for the Tory manifesto, I found something very like it going through the politics section of Waterstones this week. It was entitled, After the Coalition. I picked it up, and then noticed the subtitle: ‘A Conservative Vision of Britain’. It did cross my mind that I should buy it just to critique it, but decided against it. The aggro it would cause me would just be too much.

  14. IDS and Armed Bodyguards: No-One Trusts the Man... Says:

    […] Mike and several of the commenters over at Vox Political have commented on IDS' evident paranoia and fear of the public as he appeared before the parliamentary Work and Pension's Committee. Not onl…  […]

  15. Shaun Thomas Says:

    I’m not religious, but I gather IDS is a committed Catholic. If so you would he’d be even more worried about what awaits him when has passed away. Or, may be that’s why he so paranoid about meeting, as he sees it, his maker so soon.

    • beastrabban Says:

      He is indeed a committed Roman Catholic, but I wonder how far his faith goes on poverty and its alleviation. A lot of Roman Catholic clergy are, like their Anglican counterparts, quite left-wing in their political views. Back in the summer I was at one of our local Roman Catholic churches for my aunt’s funeral. She was very definitely a Socialist with very strong Left-wing views. Looking around at their bookshelf I found not only leaflets for the ST. Vincent de Paul Society, a Catholic charity founded in the 19th century to combat poverty in the new, industrial society, but also other leaflets for the campaign against the bedroom tax. There’s a lot of ‘Social Catholic’ thought, which is explicitly left-wing, although it rejects Socialism because of its basis in materialism. The first ‘Social Catholic’ doctrine was the papal encyclical Rerum Novarum, which demands that workers should be paid enough to support themselves and their families. Using this as a standard, it’s clear that workfare, at least in the form Osborne is threatening to implement, in which the job-seeker has been sanctioned and paid nothing, is very firmly against Roman Catholic doctrine. Other papal encyclicals have supported the worker’s right to join trade unions, form co-operatives and for the state to administer property.

      Back to IDS, I wondered how much of his supposedly passionate Roman Catholicism is a pose. I don’t doubt that he’s a believing Roman Catholic. It’s very clear, however, that he has no interest in alleviating poverty. Rather, he just seems to want to make it worse. During the election campaign and before, when he was running for the leadership of the Tory party, he made several appearance wandering through some of the run-down council estates in Glasgow. This seems to have been part of a strategy in which the Tories attempted to show that they were more Left-wing than Blair’s New Labour. At the time there was a lot of scepticism about how genuine IDS and this strategy really was. A lot of people simply thought it was a publicity stunt. Looking at how quickly the Tory party jettisoned their Left-wing postures when they finally gained power, it’s clear that absolutely none of it was genuine. It was all a ruse to gain the support of the public, nothing more.

      As for IDS, as I said, I think he really is a genuine Roman Catholic. However, I think his statements that his religious faith have led him into political activism and combatting poverty are simply another piece of Tory propaganda. It strikes me as an attempt for IDS and the Tories to try to gain the support of Christian charities, that may otherwise be sceptical or openly critical of the Tories’ social policies. Some of us can still remember the roasting Maggie got from Archbishop Runcie, and the very muted reception she got from the Scots kirk when she made a speech to their general assembly/ convocation quoting St. Paul: ‘If a man does not work, he shall not eat’. There were a lot of guid Scots churchmen that day who were strongly unimpressed with her theology.

  16. Michael Woods Says:

    Police pointing guns at the general public, especially a selected group of disabled people who had gone through security checks, is totally unacceptable, if not illegal. I shall also make a strong complaint to my MP, Sir Malcome Rifkind. If there had been a direct threat to IDS, it should have been handled with due procedure and protocol.

  17. Glynne Says:

    I have entered a couple of FoI requests about machine guns being pointed at the public.

    However there are a number of people who have posted to a separate page claiming there was no such thing. I’m sure everyone would agree it’s only the facts we want.

    From the website specified in separate field

  18. ladycrookback Says:

    Love it, Florence! 🙂 Moooo!

  19. Thanks, Rebecca Evans AM | UnderOccupied Says:

    […] Unfortunately, due to certain ongoing legal matters, it would be inadvisable for me to go and say ‘Hello’, to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. Unless I got a personal invitation of course, without which, there is now the serious possibility that one may get shot by Mr Smith’s armed guards. […]

  20. paulrutherford8 Says:

    Have linked to this on

    I was thinking of visiting the place that the hon gent will be attending later, but after some legal advice and reading this, well…

    Discretion is the better part of valour I suppose.

    The man is definitely dangerous. I will be asking questions about policing costs/security for his trip to Pembrokeshire today.

  21. lallygag26 Says:

    Reblogged this on tantalusredux and commented:
    If anyone still had any doubt about whether we still live in a democracy, surely the image of IDS surrounded by armed guards ‘protecting’ him from a group of disability campaigners will finally dispel that doubt. We live in a plutocracy. By the rich, for the rich. And they will protect themselves at all costs. Don’t doubt that.

  22. seachranaidhe1 Says:

    Reblogged this on seachranaidhe1.

  23. PendanticGeek Says:

    Isn’t it illegal for anybody to bear arms in parliament?

    • beastrabban Says:

      I honestly don’t know. You would think it was, but clearly that laws either been waived or amended if there are now armed police patrolling the palace of Westminster.

      • PendanticGeek Says:

        As far as I’m aware normal police have no juristiction within the confines of the commons (the chamber and committes), it is the Sergent at Arms that controls security in the Commons.

  24. juliette gazzard Says:

    I completely agree with all of the above but why single out that pathetic little man, surely he can’t behave like this without sanction from above. The objective is surely to instil a degree of fear that paralyses democratic protest and divides and conquers disparate groups into inaction. When the first signs appeared years ago people thought I was a mad woman for likening them to the actions of both communist and facist governance, but I wonder now whether my comments would evoke such disbelief.

    • beastrabban Says:

      No, you’re right. He clearly does have the approval and consent of his superiors, like Cameron, to behave in this way. And pretty much the rest of the Tory party, or at least their front bench, is as bad. My brother over at Vox Political, Johnny Void, Another Angry Voice and a plethora of other left-wing bloggers have published comments from other Tory politicians which clearly show their contempt for the poor, the disabled and the unemployed. Esther McVey, the minister for the disabled, has certainly said a number of things that clearly show that she has absolutely no understanding or sympathy for the people she claims to represent and govern. It’s struck me several times that if you removed IDS, someone as nasty, or perhaps even more so, would simply be moved to replace him. Like Matthew Freud, for example, who believed that the poor were more flexible than the rich, as they had less to lose.

      On the other hand, IDS is the present threat and face of the Tories’ war on the poor, so it makes sense to concentrate on attacking him, while, of course, keeping the rest of the Tory party and their vile policies very securely in our sights.

      Your comment about the similarity between the Tories and Fascist and Communist regimes is very interesting, and I entirely agree with you. I did wonder about posting a piece showing that the Tory part was actually quite close in its attitudes and thinking to Soviet Communism. This would probably surprise many people, considering that they come from the opposite side of the political spectrum, but it’s true and the parallels are very clear. The Soviet Communists saw themselves as forming a new elite, and the nomenklatura – the Communist Party members and functionaries – had access to a range of goods and services that were denied ordinary Soviet citizens. And of course, under democratic centralism, which was very centralised and not at all democratic, no opposing point of view was tolerated. This was quite different from British Socialism, which in the 1950s was very noisily democratic. When Khruschev visited Britain during the Thaw, he got on very well with the Tories, but much less so with the Labour Party. He really didn’t like it when Labour Party members started asking awkward questions about imprisoned Socialist dissidents. His response was the famous statement ‘If I was British, I would be a Conservative!’

      • Joseph Jesus Says:

        You mention the similarity between Fascist and Communist regimes I believe the idological basis for this is in the modern context is Communitarianism as espoused by AMITAI ETZIONI. You will find the EU and UN are Communitarian as is Camerons “Big Society” the re-branded Blairs Fabian Third way. The subversive Community organisers now deployed nationwide to bring about “change” are pure Saul Alinsky, this also explains why our institutioins such as the NHS are being made to fail by insiders ( change agents ). All three parties are complicit. Interestingly Etzioni yet another German who changed his name was tutored in Jerusalem by a chap who worked at Frankfurt University in the 1930s. Also Philip Blonde Camerons early guide in things Big Society studied in New York at the final resting place of the Frankfurt School Marxists.

        With regard to Communism and Fascism both are systems whereby a priveliged minority closed group secure by force the monopoly on power,media the supply of goods services and the law to the detriment of the majority. Both ideologies were foisted upon populations by their financial overlords and both were and are funded by the same.

        The great success of this centrally planned patriarchal collectivist imposition can be observed in the well recognised efficiency and integrity of the EU and the solid EU economic foundations provided by the EURO ( LOL ).

  25. Slugabed Says:

    If this happened within the Palace of Westminster,a complaint should be made to the Serjeant-at-Arms,Lawrence Ward.

  26. mg Says:

    it’s beyond wrong. The new POntiff needs to have a long talk with this man who is clearly a psychopath. Prayers for the people of the UK

  27. kathythesane Says:

    Reblogged this on musings from outside the asylum and commented:
    Food for thought.

  28. Breno the Great Says:

    I think in IDS’s own mind he knows he deserves to die for what he has done to the sick and disabled, he has good reason to fear for his life.

  29. Mark Walker Says:

    If I was IDS Id be shitting myself as well the mans made a lot of people very pissed

  30. activistposter Says:

    Reblogged this on ActivistPoster.

  31. CAS Says:

    Police officers broke regulations if they pointed the guns at you and their fire-arms licenses should be revoked. They are trained to never aim a weapon at anyone, even one that is not loaded, unless those people pose an imminent threat and are being arrested. You should never aim a weapon at anyone unless you are willing to shoot them; this is basic firearms practice. Such a weapon may fire accidentally, even with the safety pin in place. Unless you threatened violence, then the police officers should not have raised their weapons. The police complaints commission must be informed as this is a very serious breach and a clear case of misconduct.

    • Slugabed Says:

      Not long ago I happened to be in the Worshipful Company of Gunmakers’ Proof House in Commercial Road.The cage there was filled with hundreds of semi-automatic rifles in their crates waiting to be proofed. “Police job.Never had so many to be done” said the man working there,”We’ve had to take on extra staff”

      • Joseph Jesus Says:

        I think you will find that the police are tooling up they have also purchased vast numbers of Tasers.

        According to gunpolicydotorg

        Police in the United Kingdom are reported to have 272,88417 firearms

        BBC – Full-time equivalent (FTE) officers in the 43 forces stood at 134,101

        So thats a semi-automatic carbine plus a side arm for each officer.

        The question is come the crunch whether the rank & file coppers will turn their weapons upon us or their treasonous corrupt political masters, equally the military.

        Our best defence it would seem is to inform every member of the above as to the crimes currently being committed by those that rule over us.

        This tooling up scenario is echoed in the USA and no doubt the rest of the OECD and EU nations.

  32. Eileen Murray Thompson Campbell. Says:

    Maybe they realise that we can only take so much. giving them self’s a pay rise when people are eating from food banks maybe the last straw. They are giving them self’s as much as they can because they know they won’t get back in for a very long time if ever. I can feel the tension in the people when talking about Cameron and his lot. This mention of guns won’t go down well at all. Running scared??They should be. X

  33. IDS and Armed Bodyguards: No-One Trusts the Man who Trusts No-One | Street Democracy - where it should reach Says:

    […]… […]

  34. Bill downey Says:

    I would pay to see that man shot,And pay very well.

  35. Dave Says:

    it was the nazis in the war who hated even disabled people and here we have a repeat of history with the sick and those in povety singled out,its strange that many of the nazis were of roman catholic religion and had no fear of God committing the crimes against humanity which they did without any conscience,but all i know is that what go’s around comes around and any politicians that commit deliberate sin against the disabled or those in poverty will answer to God one day,cause there is one golden rule in life which states “that we reap what we sow” life is very short and these people will stand before almighty God one day !!!! and face a lost eternity !!! Jesus Christ had compassion for the sick and disabled and we are told to love one another !!!! so any politician who refuses to show love and compassion to the sick and disabled is in deliberate defiance against God and cannot call themselves Christians from whatever religion they claim to be !!!! they are in fact anti Christ cause they refuse to obey the bible and its teachings of love and compassion !!!

  36. stevencharlesrae Says:

    Reblogged this on stevencharlesrae's Blog.

  37. fanboi3 Says:

    Those cops protecting him – the Neuremberg Defence won’t work.

  38. Smiling Carcass Says:

    As regards Iain Duncan Smith’s Catholicism, the Christian faith in general and Catholicism in particular has a brutal history in dealing with non-believers, amounting to a believe or die agenda, often burning converts anyway on the basis that now we’ve saved your soul, we must purge your body. They did genuinely believe that they were doing god’s work and therefore were right.

    This does not conflict with Iain Duncan Smith’s behaviour or religious beliefs. He’s a sadistic ponce who believes he is right, will tolerate no disagreement and thinks he has a right to govern us in his best interests, which by extension are our best interests.

    Puts me in mind of an old joke; up to heaven goes a chap, and on arriving asks St. Peter who all the groups of people are.

    “Over there are the Jews”

    “The Jews? But they crucified Christ!”

    “Yes, but they did believe in the Father and so earned a place in heaven. Over here are the Muslims”

    “Muslims? But they surely were not Christian or Jewish. Why are they here?”

    “Because they had great Faith and believed in many of the prophets of our own bible. Over there are the Buddhists.”

    “Why, please Buddhists? They didn’t even believe in a god, much less ours.”

    “But they were good, kind people who kept their faith and were charitable and humble.”

    “I see- and what’s behind that wall?”

    “Ssshh! That’s where we keep the Catholics; they like to think they’re the only ones who got here”

  39. ghost whistler Says:

    This is disgusting. Did noone in the committee say anything about this?

  40. b Says:

    People can complain about this by writing to the chairman of the Work and Pensions Select Committee (Anne Begg), the Commons Speaker (John Bercow), or both.

    You do not need to have been a victim of it on the day. Anybody can complain about it.

    Their contact details are:

    Anne Begg: email begga (at), tel: 020 7219 2140, fax: 020 7219 1264

    John Bercow: email bercowj (at) tel 020 7219 4111 or 020 7219 5300, fax: 020 7219 6901,

    You can also contact

    the Clerk of the Work and Pensions Select Committee (Carol Oxborough):
    tel: 020 7219 5831; fax: 020 7219 0580, email: workpencom (at)


    the Commons Speaker’s Secretary (Peter Barratt):
    email barrattpf (at)

  41. b Says:

    If writing to Anne Begg, make it clear that you are writing to her in her capacity as chairman of the Select Committee, and that you wish to raise the matter with the Committee and get a response from the Committee.

    Similarly with John Bercow: write to him in his capacity as House of Commons Speaker. Let him know what is going on and see what he has to say about it.

    The police in the Palace of Westminster are contracted to the House Authorities. People could contact the Parliamentary Security Director and indeed the Joint Committee on Security, but I would suggest contacting the Work and Pensions Select Committee and the Commons Speaker in the first instance.

    If police officers bring submachineguns into a committee room, let alone point them at anybody, then if the police do not take authority over the room away from the committee and its chairman, we can assume their actions are taken with the authority of the committee, unless the committee tell us otherwise.

  42. John Mangan Says:

    Iain Duncan Smith – poster boy for the Nazty Party.

  43. Sandra Martin Says:

    IDS shows strong psychopathic traits : remorseless, narcissistic, lack of empathy, fearless dominance, superficial charm, untruthfulness and insincerity, poor judgement and failure to learn from experience, specific loss of insight…shall I go on? Yes, sadism, thrill seeking, hence the armed bodyguards and enticement of others.

  44. Stephen West Says:

    IDS will need police protection for the rest of his life as his intentions are to do with the Welfare State what Beecham did to the railways and that is to slash and burn and run away.

  45. Ian D Denyer Says:

    OK – the use of armed police in this context needs to be challenged – and there is a mechanism for that. Use it. but for all the talk of fascism you can still vote the present government out… And if you don’t like what’s on the menu you can organise and put in some effort and do what UKIP (for all that I disagree with their policies) did and put something new on it.. The problem with this country is that people would rather moan and winge about “fascism”, than force change by using the democratic process they are lucky to have… Unfortunately, change takes commitment, a sense of responsibility and hard work… Tapping a keyboard or waving a placard is sooo much easier…

    • BryanWhite Says:

      UKIP are the same Establishment puppets as the rest, witness their being pushed as an “alternative” by the Establishment media.

  46. The foodbank debate in Parliament says it all… | The Heckler Says:

    […] by several armed policeman. See here for an account on Beastrabben’s Weblog –… Just think about it for a minute, Duncan Smith was not out on the streets or at a public meeting, […]

  47. alan.bertram Says:

    man (ids) is a pure and utter bastard! come uppence i say!!

  48. Guy Ropes Says:

    May I pass on an observation which is in similar vein. Cameron commented on his support for “Team Nigella” (in respect of the recent trial at Isleworth Crown Court) and was roundly rebuked for his comments by the trial Judge. I noticed in media photographs that there were a minimum of 5 (possibly 6) uniformed Police Officers escorting her as she made the hazardous walk from her limousine to the door of the Court – from personal knowledge a trip of no more than 75 yards. I notice that Charlie and Rebekkah Brooks are not afforded this level of attention when they daily attend the Old Bailey and it’s a fair bet that there are more people who would like to attack them rather than Nigella – if such a threat exists at either location. If Ms Lawson thought that a threat to her safety was posed by her onerous journey, then maybe she should have paid for Security Officers from her own credit card. Or maybe she did and the Police were paid personally by her to protect her. If not, was this abject waste of taxpayer’s money initiated by Cameron? If not, then by whom?

  49. Landless Peasant Says:

    IDS needs bodyguards to prevent people like me from lopping the evil c*nt’s head off.

  50. So just what are the cops expecting this summer? | Revolting Pleb Says:

    […] Granted, the powers that be seem to be getting jumpy at any sign of dissent. Towards the end of last year when Iain Duncan Smith had to attend the Parliamentary Work & Pensions Committee, not only was he flanked by his bodyguards, there were armed police in attendance – all to face off any potential ‘threat’ from three people in wheelchairs and about eight disabled and mentally ill people with their carers. See here for a fuller report on the level of Duncan Smith’s paranoia:… […]

  51. Feeling the heat et al | Gabriel Vents Says:

    […] pensions committee at the house of common fuck, with a body guard and a number of armed policemen:… People don’t do that because they think everyone loves them. The sanctimonious bastard knows […]

  52. stewilko Says:

    Reblogged this on stewilko's Blog and commented:
    So he should be, his along with Freud, MCvey and their policies have not only torn away the welfare system. They have caused deaths, created emense poverty and targeted many poor families with children into an hopeless situation. I was going to say shame on them, but they have none.

  53. Sooz Says:

    What an interesting article and excellent comments. What was the outcome of complaints about IDS’s goons pointing guns? Did anything come of it? Or did the HoC sweep it under the carpet as usual?

    IDS’s complete disregard for the effects of these vicious policies and his refusal to accept that it is those policies leading to people dying seems to be quite deliberate. Does he actually not feel any compassion or is it a conscious decision on his part to cause damage to the most vulnerable people in the British Isles?

    And why was Cameron so weak as to let IDS stay in post during the last reshuffle despite the appalling mess he was making of the benefits system, and why is he still there after revelations about the massive waste of money we’ve been hearing about in the last week or so. IDS blames other people for the mess but the buck stops with him, yet he refuses to step aside and let someone more competent run things. What’s he got over Cameron, I wonder. You have to wonder.

  54. Why Are Labour So Scared, When Their Opponents Seem Permanently Terrified? | TheCritique Archives Says:

    […] is December 2013. Iain Duncan-Smith, Work & Pensions Secretary, attends a hearing in front of the Parliamentary Work and Pension’s Committee. He is surrounded by armed […]

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