Declassified UK Video on Workers’ Party Candidate For Blackburn, Craig Murray, Standing for the Genuine Left against Starmer

This comes from Declassified UK’s channel on YouTube. Craig Murray is the former British diplomat who was sacked for revealing Britain’s complicity in torture during the War on Terror. Murray is a member of George Galloway’s Workers Party, and is standing as their candidate in Blackburn. He’s an opponent of the Israel lobby, wants the renationalisation of all the utilities, gas, water and electricity, wishes to end tuition fees and, from this video, it seems he’s also against Labour’s policy on immigration and the rampant Thatcherism in the party that has pushed it to the right of the Tories. He previously stood against Labour’s Jack Straw in 2005. He lost, but is much more optimistic about this election as so many more people, not just Muslims, have become disenchanted with Labour. He is, however, concerned that the anti-Labour vote will be split by a rival independent candidate campaigning on the issue of Gaza.

Murray begins the video by stating that his first act in parliament would be to name every MP who has received money from the Israel lobby, ‘as they’re paid for’. He talks about the massive disillusionment with Labour across all ethnicities in Blackburn. Usually at this time Blackburn would be a sea of red, but there’s hardly any pro-Labour banners and posters to be seen. He states clearly that the rises in utility bills, such as electricity, are the results of profiteering unrelated to wholesale prices. This began in all small way before the war in Ukraine, but has been increased massively. The government has so far spent £60 billion in arms and other support for Ukraine, but won’t spend that money on health and welfare support over here. Traditional Labour supporters are upset that Starmer has pushed the party so far to the right. He attacks Sunak on issues like immigration from the right, and Rachel Reeves has also attacked Sunak for being insufficiently Thatcherite. You can’t do that without losing Labour voters. As for ending tuition fees, Starmer says that it’s unaffordable. This is rubbish, says Murray. He’s Scottish, and was rector of one of Scotland’s universities, and says that they don’t have tuition fees north of the border.

As for the war in Gaza, he states that ordinary Brits are against it, but the politicos and media are for it. The establishment is losing control of the narrative, and they’re panicking. As a result, people have been arrested for stupid reasons, such as singing ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ or posters showing pictures of hang-gliders. He and Galloway do not support the two-state solution, as it’s impossible to create a single state from the fragmented territory left to the Palestinians, pieces of land which have their fields and other parts continually annexed by Israel and Israeli settlers. Galloway and Murray stand for a single Palestinian state, free of the apartheid imposed by the Isaelis.

The video notes that it isn’t just Galloway’s Workers Party that’s attacking Labour from the left. There are also independent candidates standing against them across the UK as well as the Greens.

Murray is standing for traditional Labour policies – renationalisation, and end to war and profiteering and genuine justice for the Palestinians – that Starmer has abandoned.

If you also believe in these policies and live in Blackburn, I strongly urge you to consider voting for Murray to give Starmer a bloody nose and help bring back real working class policies.

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