A Party Election Broadcast by the Dalek Empire

Sorry I haven’t post anything for a few days. Some of it’s been laziness, and some of it comes from having the Covid booster jab on Wednesday and being laid low with the aftereffects of that for a few days. Well, now we know when the General Election’s going to be. Sunak came out of Number 10 this week to announce that it’s going to be on July 4th. He’d gone to see King Lugs, I mean our liege lord King Charles, who had agree to it. I wondered what would have happened if the king had turned it down, and said that in his view the country hadn’t been governed properly since New Labour. People were unsatisfied with their politicians, and as a result he was going to have to take over power himself. Democracy was overrated, and according to social contract doctrine kings had been set up in antiquity to act as the people’s representatives to guard their persons, property and freedom and none of the parties were doing that. Instead, he would seek to rule like the great English kings Henry VIII and Elizabeth. Of course, it would be a major breach of the constitution if he did and would either cause a civil war or end with his abdication. But it would be great to see Sunak’s face before he added, ‘Only joking! Well, you’ve got to have a laugh now and again, haven’t you?’

Unfortunately, there weren’t many laughs in Sunak’s general election speech. He could have told the country he’d gone to king and set a date in two minutes, if that, but no, he had to turn it into a party political broadcast and so started lying again. And they came thick and fast. But I noticed the satirists are also starting to come out of the woodwork.

I found this bit of fun on YouTube. It’s a party election broadcast for 2024 by the Dalek Empire. The Daleks have making party election broadcasts for nine years now. There’s one for 2015, another for 2017, one for Corbyn and now this one, where a red Dalek states that the Tories have impoverished us and made us homeless – policies they have stolen for Daleks. It continues that under the Daleks everything will be equally shared, but people will be oppressed. It will, however, be a kinder oppression than the Tories. They end by saying that, once in power, they will let Larry the Downing Street cat back into No. 10. And next time they would announce the date of general elections inside so that people wouldn’t have to wait out in the pouring rain.

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2 Responses to “A Party Election Broadcast by the Dalek Empire”

  1. gillyflowerblog Says:

    Got to disagree. Plenty of laughs. Sunak looking like a drowned rat, and then being drowned out by Steve Bray and D Ream

    • beastrabban Says:

      Yeah, I noticed that part way through his speech we were being treated to the sound of the New Labour anthem ‘I’ll only get better’ and thought ‘Are they trolling Rishi?’ Answers on a postcard, please, as they used to say.

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