Led by Donkeys: Farage Tells You He Admires Putin and Wants to Privatise the NHS

I found this on YouTube this morning, and it shows some of the other nastier policies Farage supports which tend to get ignored in the concentration on his opposition to immigration. In this video someone draws Farage’s face on the sand on Blackpool beach with the slogan ‘Nigel Farage: Friend of Putin, Enemy of the NHS’, to coincide with Farage’s visit to Lancashire’s most famous holiday resort. Over this footage there’s what sound like the Red Army choir singing the Russian national anthem and recordings of Farage saying that the world leader he most admires is Putin as an operator. He goes on to say he wants to move NHS funding to an insurance based system like America, because he’d have more confidence his money was working through a market-led insurance company.

I’ve been saying that Farage really wants to privatise the NHS for years, and this is pretty much proof. And if Reform and the Tories did privatise it, or Starmer, come to that, treatment would very definitely no longer be free at the point of use. It would become very expensive, and for many people, unaffordable. Like America, tens of thousands of people would die because they could not afford their medical care, and people would be forced to go bankrupt because of the cost of their medical treatment. But never mind, it would all mean more profits for the private medical companies behind privatisation, the corporations that have donated £175,000 to Labour’s Wes Streeting.

As for Farage’s admiration for Putin, it’s important to note that he qualifies his comment about admiring the post-Soviet strongman by stating that it’s ‘as an operator’. But Open Britain has also accused Richard Tice of wanting Britain to join Belarus and Russia in the war in Ukraine. Which is as silly as the 1980s political satire Whoops Apocalypse, which had a mad Prime Minister, played by Peter Cook, who believed that inflation was caused by the fairies. In one episode, Britain joined the Warsaw Pact, the Soviet counterpart to NATO.

Farage appears to be defending the working class with his loud opposition to mass migration and the Channel Migrants, carefully framed as a defence of ordinary working White Brits against foreigners taking jobs away from them while getting housing and welfare benefits that are unavailable to them. He claims to be the outsider, anti-establishment candidate. In fact, he is the establishment to the core. And if he is elected, he will take more welfare benefits away from them, and destroy the NHS.

Don’t be taken in by the establishment parties. Look for independent candidates and the other, smaller parties like the Greens who truly represent you.

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3 Responses to “Led by Donkeys: Farage Tells You He Admires Putin and Wants to Privatise the NHS”

  1. Jim Round Says:

    In answer to your question on my previous comment on this blog, I think it is all about money and authoritarianism.

    There are still no questions to Farage about the set up of Reform, why can’t you elect a leader as a member, can you have a say in policies, why are they set up as a Ltd Company?

    I am well aware about Brown not being elected, and Labour only changing rules for electing leaders changing in the 80’s (I think)

    As for Truss/Sunak, wel…. The point here is that Farge constantly complained that The EU was undemocratic, so the one of the best things he could do to show he was not part of another establishment party, was to be fully democratic and be open about funding and influences.

    There is strong evidence that Breitbart UK was set up by Steve Bannon to help UKIP when Farage was their leader, he is also good friends with Robert Mercer, have a look at links between them and think tanks in The USA, there views are VERY similar.

    You would think that the “Alternative Media” would be all over things like this (I’m looking at you, Mahyar Tousi)

    Talking of Tousi, I see a certain Tommy Robinson is making appearances on his channel, if, as he says “We are the media” he would be asking Robinson about his previous convictions, cocaine habits, and funding sources that are US based.

    I certainly do not wish Tousi any harm, but he may or may not realise that if he were to walk through a group who were sympathetic to Robinson’s views and didn’t know who he was, he would very possibly be subject to verbal abuse, maybe worse.

    I know I am a stuck record on these things, but I really would like for people to realise that the likes of Farage are laughing at them because they know they will believe anything they say because of the way they say it.

    And I will again reiterate that I do not think any other parties or prominent figures should get easy interviews, everyone should be treated equally and impartiality with facts and evidence on hand to call out any lies or misinformation.

  2. Mark Pattie Says:

    Farage has certainly shown his true colours recently- claiming that NATO “provoked” Russia to invade Ukraine. Can somebody please explain to the charlatan that NATO in fact gained *more* members as a result of Mad Vlad’s invasion? Plus, I am old enough (just) to remember when we and America sort-of-allied ourselves with Russia back in the late ’00s and early ’10s. Because there were more pressing enemies to prioritise- viz. Assad, Saudis and the Taliban.

  3. Farage admires Putin and wants to privatise the NHS - Vox Political Says:

    […] For the detailed commentary on it, visit: Led by Donkeys: Farage Tells You He Admires Putin and Wants to Privatise the NHS | Beastrabban&#821… […]

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