Jobs for the boys – and a possible conflict of interest – in new government contract

Yet another scheme by the government to make the sick jump through even more hoops and more bureaucracy to get them back into a job, any job. The contractor for this latest bureaucratic monstrosity is Maximus, an American company that uses workfare forced labour. So, an obvious conflict of interest, from a system in which conflict of interest is a built-in feature. And we can expect the usual smooth lies about ‘Chinese walls’ as Mike points out.

Mike Sivier's blog

[Image: Ktemoc Konsiders -] [Image: Ktemoc Konsiders – The Coalition government has named the company that is to carry out its new programme to discourage people from claiming incapacity benefits – and, like all Coalition decisions, it is a disaster.

The contract for the new Health and Work Service in England and Wales will be delivered by Health Management Ltd – a MAXIMUS company.

This is triply bad for the United Kingdom.

Firstly, MAXIMUS is an American company so yet again, British taxpayers’ money will be winging its way abroad to boost a foreign economy, to the detriment of our own.

Next, MAXIMUS is already a Work Programme provider company in the UK. The Work Programme attempts to shoehorn jobseekers – including people on incapacity benefits – into any employment that is available, with the companies involved paid according to the results they achieve (on the face of it. In fact, it has…

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