From today there will be no paramedics in some ambulances for 999 calls

Scandalous, and completely omitted from the mainstream news. Another example of the way awkward facts are suppressed and censored and why more people are turning to the internet.

Pride's Purge

(not satire – it’s the UK today!)

Did you know that from today (Saturday) ambulances in some parts of the UK will attend emergencies without any trained paramedics on board to administer first aid and essential life-saving drugs?

The move is – of course – to save money.

And no doubt when enough complaints are received and even some deaths happen as a result of the policy – the government will have more excuses to completely privatise the ambulance service.

Here are more details from the Yorkshire Evening Post:

Non-clinicians to 999 calls plan sparks row

Don’t know about you, but I would have thought this would be important news.

So why is it not deemed important enough for the front pages in the mainstream press?


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