Shocking Cameron’s Britain: terminal cancer patients told to work or starve

Mr Pride isn’t the only one, who has reported this. They’ve also appeared in Private Eye, even when it has been extremely obvious that they could not possibly work. This has included people really at the end of their lives, needing high doses of medicine and considerable palliative care. It shows just how stupid and inhumane the benefits system is, and the sheer obdurate cruelty of its architects – Iain Duncan Smith, Esther McLie, and David Cameron.

This isn’t just about saving money. This is about penalising the poor for being poor. The Tories genuinely see them as parasites, and wish to create a cowed, terrified workforce that will put up with absolute anything and everything, while big business and the Tory party rake in the profits. And that means the absolute destruction of the welfare state.

Pride's Purge

(not satire – it’s Cameron’s Britain!)

The Cameron government has not been clamping down on benefit fraud.

He and his ministers have been attacking genuinely sick and disabled people instead.

There are now numerous cases of terminally sick cancer patients being told by the DWP they are unable to receive sickness benefit and will have to work or starve because they are supposedly ‘fit for work’.

We also have parents of child cancer patients having to rely on food banks because the Cameron government decided being a carer means you will get no help from our increasingly non-existent welfare state:

Cameron’s Britain: 7-year old cancer patients on foodbank handouts

Another example of a victim of the coalition government’s slashing of help and support for the sick, disabled and dying was Chris Smith, a plumber from Leicester with terminal cancer who sadly died recently:

Fit for work?

The fact is, that under the Cameron government…

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