Ex-service people are on the streets: leaders’ debate heckler explains why she spoke out

The lady explains that she heckled Cameron from outrage at his attempts to use the bravery and professionalism of our servicemen and women to promote himself, while many of those same squaddies are out on the streets homeless and unsupported by state benefits. As, she points out, are so many people. She attacks the lying, and the careful omission of the truth from Cameron’s rhetoric. She also resents the fact that they, the one per cent from the public schools, have monopolised power and influence in this country to exclude people like her and the rest of us. She states very plainly that they aren’t working for our interests, and that the 95 per cent of us who aren’t rich need to come together on community projects.

We do, and she’s right. She puts into just over a minute a very succinct statement of the elitism, predatory exploitation and sheer hypocrisy of this unelected government.

Pride's Purge

(not satire – it’s the UK today!)


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One Response to “Ex-service people are on the streets: leaders’ debate heckler explains why she spoke out”

  1. caninep1 Says:

    She was amazing!

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