Entire UKIP membership expelled for bringing party into disrepute

More satire from the ever reliable Tom Pride. And it does look like after all the scandals that have hit the party, as candidates have been suspended for racism, homophobia, general offensiveness to anyone they deem of the lower orders, and now simple corruption, it’ll be a wonder if there’s anyone actually left in the party except Nigel Farage and Paul Nuttall. As the old Yorkshire saying goes, ‘The only ones sane are thee and me, and tha’s a little queer.’ Except in UKIP, where they’re all trying to protect us from such depravity.

Pride's Purge


The entire membership of UKIP has been expelled following accusations that they have brought the party into disrepute.

The move comes just days after two UKIP candidates were suspended from the party following revelations that they had links to UKIP.

UKIP’s constitution bars individuals who have a history of involvement with far-right organisations such as UKIP from becoming members.

The Independent and Sky News further observed that another UKIP member was also suspended last week for urging people to support an extremist far-right organisation after he tweeted on social media: “Vote UKIP on May 22nd“.

In an interview with the BBC, UKIP leader Nigel Farage denied UKIP support was widespread within UKIP and pledged that UKIP would not tolerate any member of UKIP being a member of an openly racist organisation such as UKIP.


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