Was French Journalist Told By EU Officials to Explore Identities of Economic Migrants So They Can Post as Asylum Seekers?

This comes from the YouTube channel TrueEuropa2, who is obviously a populist strongly opposed to non-White immigration. According to this YouTuber, a French journalist visiting Lampedusa, the Italian island that acts as that countries reception centre for migrants crossing the Med from north Africa, was told by an EU official not to film the faces of migrants he was interviewing. Some of these migrants openly admitted that they were coming here for economic reasons. The EU official told the journo instead that he should just film these speakers’ feet. He was afraid that filming these economic migrants’ faces would prevent them from being accepted as asylum seekers when they approached embassies to get asylum in Europe. If this is true, then it means that some EU officials are actively defying the regulations that only asylum seekers and genuine refugees should be accepted.

Obviously this is a controversial claim. At the moment it looks very much like it’s totally untrue. TrueEuropa2 gives the source, which he says is audio only, as X/Twitter – /RadioGenoa/status/178784342409733734.

Jim Round, who knows far more about these dodgy X/Twitter accounts than I do, warns against trusting it and makes it clear that it’s very likely a falsehood. He comments

‘That Radio Genoa account is a well known misinformation account.

It was suspended from Twitter for a time but somehow managed to get back.

I wonder who is behind it.’

I’m very glad to put up Jim’s comment exposing this as a pack of lies. I think I’ll keep the video up, however, as a warning not to true the disinformation coming out of the anti-immigrant populist right, even if it seems genuine and convincing.

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2 Responses to “Was French Journalist Told By EU Officials to Explore Identities of Economic Migrants So They Can Post as Asylum Seekers?”

  1. Jim Round Says:

    That Radio Genoa account is a well known misinformation account.

    It was suspended from Twitter for a time but somehow managed to get back.

    I wonder who is behind it.

    • beastrabban Says:

      Thank, Jim – you obviously know far more about this than I do. I’ve amended the article accordingly, but think I’ll still keep it as a warning not to trust the disinformation coming out of the populist hard right, no matter how plausible or convincing.

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