Call for Donations from Richard Burgon to Help His Election Campaign

This is for those of you who are still supporters and members of the Labour party. I haven’t been putting up appeals for donations, as I can’t afford them myself and I feel I can’t put up appeals for others to donate to something when I haven’t done. But I’m breaking this rule for Richard Burgon, as he’s one of the few left-wing politicos still left in the Labour party, and so some people may wish to contribute to his campaign. Here it is:

‘Dear Friend,

I am reaching out to see if you can donate to my campaign to be re-elected at the General Election

I don’t take any funding from corporate donors. Instead, I depend on donations from the trade union movement and from individual socialists like yourself to fund my campaign. 

Click here to donate to my local re-election campaign

As an MP, I have never been scared to do what’s right. Since the last General Election in Parliament, I have always stood up for justice and equality: 

  • I was the first MP to bring a motion calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and I brought a Bill to end arms sales to Israel
  • I have campaigned hard for the tax-dodging billionaire class to pay their fair share
  • I proposed a Bill to stop MPs being allowed to take money from the oil and gas giants who hiked bills and brought our planet to the brink of climate catastrophe 
  • I brought a bill to ban MPs from taking second jobs – which of course the Tories blocked. We all know why. 

This weekend, I held a rally launching my campaign to be re-elected as Labour MP for Leeds East. At it, so many people made it clear to me how important it is to them that we get rid of this rotten Tory Government. I am proud that local members again voted to select me as their candidate for our community for the 4th election running. 

Your donation will help me beat the Tories and will be key to keeping a powerful voice for socialism in Parliament, supporting progressive movements outside Parliament.

Every single penny you give will go to the re-elect Richard Burgon for Leeds East campaign fund as I campaign alongside local volunteers to get re-elected on July 4th.

Click here to donate to my local re-election campaign

I know times are hard and so you may not be able to make a donation, but if you can then thank you very much for your support.

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