Extraordinary online spat between UK and Isle of Man governments over independence

This is actually highly ironic: the government produces a leaflet arguing that Scotland should remain in the UK, which annoys the Isle of Man, because it shows them as part of it. As for the nature of the UK itself, there’s a subtle difference between Great Britain, which includes territories like the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, and the United Kingdom, which doesn’t. It’s quite convoluted, and I’ve forgotten just about all of the arguments, with the exception that there is some kind of difference. And both the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are very keen to assert that while they’re British, they’re not part of the United Kingdom. There’s a lesson for Alex Salmond there. He wants independence, while retaining some links with the rest of the UK, like sharing the monarchy and the ability of the Scots to serve in the British armed forces, as well as retaining the pound. Possibly he’d be better off going the way of the Isle of Man, and confusing the rest of Britain by being British while also being independent.

Pride's Purge

(not satire – it’s the UK government!)

An extraordinary online disagreement has emerged between the UK government and the Isle of Man government over leaflets which have been produced by Number 10 promoting Scotland remaining part of the UK.

Yesterday afternoon, Number 10 Downing Street tweeted this:

IOM and UK spat 1

But this morning, the official Twitter feed from the office of the Isle of Man Chief Minister, IOM Government tweeted this response to Cameron’s office:

IOM and UK spat 2


Is it only me finds it strange that the only official communication between the UK government and its Crown Dependencies seems to be via Twitter?

Or that nobody in the UK government seems to know what the UK is?

And is it only me finds the levels of amateurishness emanating from Cameron’s office truly embarrassing?


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