Gove v Davey on climate change – who do we believe?

This shows the split between the Tories and the Liberal Democrats. The Tories are becoming increasingly like the American Republican Party they so ardently admire: profoundly hostile to global warming because of the limitations the idea places on humanity’s freedom – and in particular industry’s – to trash the planet by doing whatever it wants, regardless of the consequences. The Lib Dems meanwhile seem to be trying to retain some Green credentials. Well, Dave Cameron declared that he wanted this to be ‘the Greenest government ever’, until he finally got in. Now the windmill is very definitely off the roof.

In other respects, however, there’s very, very little difference between them. Both are Neoliberal parties with a hatred of state control, welfare spending and fear of the organised working class. They should both be unseated at the next election.

Mike Sivier's blog

[Image: BBC.] [Image: BBC.] Just three days after Michael Gove reacted with “concern” over a report that climate change was being discussed in British schools, his coalition partner and Energy Secretary Ed Davey – speaking for the British government – has claimed the European Union must do more to limit the phenomenon.

One of them wants to deny that it exists; the other says it is all-too-real. They are both in the government.

What are we supposed to think?

Perhaps it might be excusable to think that these divisions are likely to happen in a government that is an uneasy alliance between two political organisations that have unique ideologies, but will that really wash?

The whole idea of the Coalition was that they would put their differences behind them and work together – and, let’s be honest, the alliance has never been as uneasy as some would want us to believe. This…

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