NATO commanding general is following a loopy UK fascist. Should I be worried?

Unfortunately, if you look at the history of the extreme Right in Britain, they do contain a large number of senior officers from the various Fascist groups of the inter-War period to the General Walker and his private armies of the mid-1970s, all ready to protect Britain from Left-wing subversion and overthrow Harold Wilson. Another explanation is rather more reassuring: the security services keep a watch on extremist groups, including the Fascists, to make sure they don’t try to overthrow democracy. The good general could simply be keeping an eye on him for professional reasons, just to make sure he is a nutter, rather than a dangerous lunatic, who just might start trying to blow people up in a campaign of violence againist Lefties, Blacks, Asians, Jews, gays and anybody else Bonehill doesn’t like. I suspect, however, that Mr Pride is probably correct when he says that Brigadier General John E. Michel may have been following Bonehill out of a refined, satirical sense of humour. The antics of some of the Fascist groups can be grimly hilarious. One of the leading stormtroopers in the NF was jailed for two weeks in the 1970s for stealing women’s underwear from Marks and Spencer, while Mosley’s squadristi regularly used to beat up the goose-steppers of rival Fascist groups in their bid to be Britain’s foremost party of Nazi intolerance and megalomania. Michel could well simply be having a laugh at the expense of another sawdust Caesar, dreaming of Fuhrerdom.

Pride's Purge

(Not satire. I presume.)

Why is a NATO commanding general following a loopy UK fascist on Twitter?

Although it’s easy to dismiss self-styled UK fascist leader Joshua Bonehill as a loopy fruitcake – he does have nearly 24.5 thousand followers on Twitter, including UKIP and Tory supporters, national journalists and other right-wing fruitcakes.

Bonehill likes to refer to himself as ‘the Glorious Founder‘ and has recently tried to recruit a private army of what he calls the ‘Founderguard‘ – for the personal protection of the ‘leader’.

Bonehill is so off the scale when it comes to right-wing loopiness I’ve always suspected he might secretly be a satirical piss-take of right-wing loopiness.

Unfortunately I think he’s being serious.

Anyway, one of Bonehill’s followers on Twitter is NATO Commanding General John E. Michel.

Perhaps Brigadier General John E. Michel has a refined sense of satirical humour. I hope so.

Or should I be more worried?

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