Tory MP threatens to call police if more than 10 people turn up at his surgery (not satire!)

This really does show that the Coalition are afraid of the British electorate, especially after IDS turned up before the Work and Pensions Committee with armed policemen. This fear of dissenting or critical voices now seems general. In last fortnight’s Private Eye there was news in the ‘Rotten Boroughs’ column of a parish council, where the local leader had called the police because they were under attack from ‘anarchists’. In actual fact, this was a group of middle-aged protesters, rather than the class-conscious autonomous followers of Kropotkin and Bakunin. When the police stated they were not going to arrest ordinary citizens exercising their democratic rights, the councillor closed the meeting. Such is the level of trust and sympathy for the electorate in Cameron’s brand-new Britain.

Pride's Purge

(not satire – it’s the Tories!)

Tory MP for Croydon South Richard Ottaway called the police when a group of 11 pensioners turned up at his surgery to deliver a petition.

He claimed he was worried about being “murdered” by his constituents.

No, I promise you this is not satire. Here’s the full story:

Croydon South MP Sir Richard Ottaway calls police over constituents delivering petition

Interestingly, Ottaway was knighted in the New Year’s Honours list for ‘services to politics’ – which even the the Daily Mail described as an example of “Cronyism and low-level corruption”.

Even more bizarrely, Ottaway has now threatened to call the police again if more than 10 of his constituents turn up at one of his surgeries:

If I discover more than 10 unknown people are to descend on my surgery, I will be notifying the police in the future.”

Why on earth aren’t…

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