Megaphone Petition to Get Union Rights for Amazon Workers

The working conditions for Amazon employees are notorious and deplorable. I’ve had no problems signing this petition.

‘David, my name is Ceferina and I work at the Amazon warehouse in Coventry (BHX4).

You may have heard the horror stories of what a job at Amazon is like:

Sackings without warning. People collapsing from overwork. Ambulance call-outs.

No one should ever face this on shift. That’s why we’ve been fighting to build our union for years. 

In the next four weeks, we have this chance. We’re going to vote in a historic ballot to win union recognition, and we need your support.

We are up against some of the worst union busting the UK has ever seen. 

When we first applied for union recognition, Amazon hired 1,300 more workers to dilute our union and destroy our chance. 

The atmosphere of intimidation is very strong, and some of my colleagues are scared. And now, Amazon are holding regular “brainwashing sessions” aimed at discouraging workers to vote for union recognition.

David, we have already come a long way in our fight for a recognised union, and we are so close to winning it. Your support will help us maintain our momentum and give us confidence to keep going.

Can you sign our petition to show Amazon that people across the country back our fight for a recognised union?

I’ll add my name

Amazon is a multi-billion pound corporation. 

They’re throwing everything to break our spirit and stop us organising. 

Anti-union posters. Fear and intimidation. QR codes to get us to cancel our union membership.

Amazon may have billions of pounds. But we have something better: the strength of the trade union movement behind us.

Can you show your support by signing the petition? The more who sign, the more we can show Amazon we won’t back down.

This is a David vs Goliath fight, but I know that we can win.

For too long, Amazon has treated us like robots without a voice.

It’s time for us to make history and force Amazon to recognise a union in the UK for the very first time. 

We’re going to turn the tide and win respect and a safe workplace when we win this ballot.

Sign the petition to show Amazon that you’re standing with us.

Thank you for your support,


Amazon worker at BHX4 warehouse’

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