Hard Times for Terrorists: ISIS Cuts Salaries by Half

It seems that ISIS is also having to suffer cuts and austerity, like everyone else. In this video, The Young Turks’ John Iadarola and Ana Kasparian discuss the recent decision by Daesh to cut their fighters’ pay by 50%. Apparently, the mujahidin can receive anything from $400 to $1,200, with $50 extra for their wives and $25 for their children. But now that things aren’t going so well for them, they’re having to take a cut in salary.

The two presenters express surprise that the crazed mass-murderers of the Islamic State were taking so much in pay, considering that they were supposed to be doing it for the faith. Ana Kasparian states that she doubts that this will make much difference to the suicide bombers. Iadarola takes the point, but believes it might have some effect. Some of the Islamic State’s recruits do become disillusioned and try to leave, when they find out that Daesh’s soldiers aren’t moral supermen inundated with women throwing themselves at them. Unfortunately, when the do try to leave, they’re executed by their former comrades.

It’s also likely to create even more disillusionment with Daesh amongst the subject population. The Islamic State has stated that their fighters are free to find ways to supplement their pay from the surrounding people. That means that they can start extorting money and protection rackets. This will naturally be resented, and cause further opposition to them.

And Ana Kasparian also makes a good point that we could also put a stop to their popularity by stopping killing women, children and civilians with bombs and drone strikes on wedding parties and so on. Although not all bombing is necessarily bad or counterproductive, such as when one bomb hit the building where ISIS were storing their money, thus destroying part of their funds.

My guess is that the cut in salaries is probably caused by ISIS having alienated some of their backers in Saudi Arabia, when they announced they were launching a jihad against them. Also, the Saudis themselves have also taken an economic hit after America lifted sanctions against Iran, allowing the Iranians to start selling their oil again. On Monday the I reported that the Saudi stock market had crashed, after falling 5.4 points the previous night.

I also found it deeply ironic that ISIS should also have to cut their pay after the sneer by their latest spokesman and professional murderer about our soldiers being on basic pay. Memo to psychopathic bouncy castle salesmen, who fancy themselves as ruthless ghazis: don’t tempt fate. Or Allah. Still, perhaps he things that if things get really bad, he can go back to selling bouncy castles in Syria and Iraq.

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