Labour’s poll lead disappears despite Tories’ weakness

Mike Sivier's blog

140323labourpolls [Image: Nick Sutton on Twitter] The Labour Party’s poll lead over the Conservatives has evaporated, according to two opinion polls published this weekend.

It is to be hoped that these results will jolt Ed Miliband and his circle of close advisors out of the complacency they have been enjoying for the past months and years – and into a realisation that supporters of Labour ideals want the party to reflect those ideals.

It seems clear that announcements from Labour, that it will continue to follow Conservative-dictated spending plans (no matter how Labour chooses to spend the money), that it will continue with austerity policies that have utterly failed the British people, that it will not reverse Michael Gove’s harmful education ‘reforms’ and that it will only do its best (whatever that is) to reverse the privatisation of the National Health Service in England, are all falling on deaf ears.


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One Response to “Labour’s poll lead disappears despite Tories’ weakness”

  1. The Swans New Party Says:

    Ed Balls failed, along with 47 other Labour, to vote down the Bedroom Tax, which Labour invented, and the votes waslost by only 26 votes.

    So Labour is as guilty as the Tories for the suicides caused by the Bedroom Tax, whilst we, the taxpayer (all of us as all pay tax either income tax and/or indirect taxes and VAT), pay for the spare room subsidy by the tends of thousands to politicians second homes.

    Labour is not a socialist or left wing party.

    Labour is trying to compete with UKIP, who also are saying the ridiculous idea that they are the party of the working class.

    Labour did not bring back the 1975 law that guaranteed pensions and are not interested in reversing all the pensioner bashing of the Pension Bill (all of them) and the Flat Rate Pension that from April 2016 leaves millions with nil income in old age, even someone reaching 80 from tht date.

    The Swans new party – only you can make a reality:

    – £1,750 Citizen Wage for all Citizen Adults, Income Tax free, whether in or out of work.

    – Full state pension at 60, also Income Tax Free of £15,00

    – Basic Tax Allowance £14,000

    – Tax Allownce at 60 of £15,500

    – Winter Fuel Allowance of £500 winter 2015/2016

    – Nationalised utilities and railways and mail

    – End Council Tax, Car Tax, BBC Licence, Bedroom Tax.

    – Revoke Welfare Reform Act, Pension Bill, Flat Rate Pension and end all welfare reform and austerity.

    – And do all this and pay off the national debt.

    The Swans new party

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